Lugaring, which means own (adj), is the root word of kalugaringon. Let me show you some sentences in Waray using the word lugaring before giving you kalugaringon. For easy understanding, I am highlighting the pronouns and their English counterparts.
- Lugaring ko ini nga desisyon. -- This is my own decision.
- Lugaring ko ini nga kinabuhi. -- This is my own life.
- Lugaring namo ini nga balay. -- This is our (hers and mine) own house.
- Lugaring nato ini nga pulong. -- This is our (yours and mine) own language.

A new word is formed by adding the prefix "ka" and the suffix "on" to lugaring; hence, kalugaringon which means self. Take a look at these sentences:
Kalugaringon, may be alternately used with the word lugaring. Let's go back to the first set of sentences.
Let us simplify the above-mentioned expressions and observe the words that come with kalugaringon.
kalugaringon (adj) nga balay (noun) -- own house
kalugaringon (adj) nga desisyon (noun) - own decision
kalugaringon (adj) nga pulong (noun) -- own language
- Hinihigugma ko an ako kalugaringon. -- I love myself.
- Ato irespeto an ato mga kalugaringon. -- Let us respect ourselves.
- Kanya ginpalitan bag-o nga kalo an kanya kalugaringon. -- He/She bought himself/herself a new hat.
- Tutdoi an imo kalugarigon. -- You teach yourself.
Waray sa ak lain nga binulig. Ako la kalugaringon. (No one helped me. I did it myself)
Kalugaringon, may be alternately used with the word lugaring. Let's go back to the first set of sentences.
- Kalugaringon ko ini nga desisyon. -- This is my own decision.
- Kalugaringon ko ini nga kinabuhi. -- This is my own life.
- Kalugaringon namo ini nga balay. -- This is our own house.
- Kalugaringon nato ini nga pulong. -- This is our own language
kalugaringon (adj) nga balay (noun) -- own house
kalugaringon (adj) nga desisyon (noun) - own decision
kalugaringon (adj) nga pulong (noun) -- own language
It is easy to tell whether kalugaringon is being used as an adjective or as an intensive/reflexive pronoun. Just pay attention to the word that comes with it. As a rule of thumb, I am leaving to you the formulation of any grammar rule. I hope you learned something from this lesson. Dali na, magWARAY kit!
ako kalugaringon (int/ref pronoun) -- myself
ato kalugaringon (int/ref pronoun)-- ourselves
kanya kalugaringon (int/ref pronoun) -- himself/herself
kanra kalugaringon (int/ref pronoun) -- themselves
nice one. i learned a lot.
ReplyDeleteThis is great, RB! Kaka-inspire sini nga im ginhihinimo sa aton kalugaringon nga dialect - Waray. Through this and the other related articles of yours, mahibabaro gud an kadam-an. Thank you very much for the inspiration, hope, and most importantly, knowledge. Nanu kay hope? Maaram na kit siton. Heheheh! God bless you. Magpadayon pa an mga sugad sini nga mga articles!