What is the Waray term for "tipsy"? What is the English word for "during"? This post will answer those questions. Her's a list of Waray words from Northern Samar with their English translation/s. There may be some slight variations between the Ninorte-Samarnon Waray and the regular Waray language, but this might help you find some answers.
(Update: Before you proceed, let me tell you that there is a new post I made; it's a list of Tagalog words and their Waray equivalents. Latest update: There is also a new post of Tagalog sentences with Waray translations. )
List of Waray Words: Tagalog to Waray
Tagalog Sentences with Waray Translations
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This may not be very comprehensive at this time, but I'll update this on a regular basis. If you have Waray words that you want to include here, please feel free to leave a comment below. You may also send me a message through the contact form. Any feedback (corrections, suggestions and some other comments) will be greatly appreciated.
Aaluhon - shy
Aawa-on - envious
Abaniko - hand fan
Abat - obvious
Aciete or asyete - cooking oil
Adaw - midday; noon time
Adlaw - day
Adto - there
Aduy! - ouch!
Aga - morning
Agbon - ashes
Aghat - to encourage
Agi (1) - penmanship
Agi (2) - mark; footstep; accomplishment
Agsub - frequent; constant
Agtang - forehead
Ak - me
Ako - I, my, mine
Alad - fence
Alayon - please (as in "Please, give this to her.")
Alo - shame
Alibangbang - butterfly
Alkuba - ceiling
Alsa - to lift something; to carry another person
Amay - father
Am - us (me and her/him/them)
Ambagaw - according to
Ambot - I don't know
Amo - our (my and her/his/their)
Amyon - scent
Anano? - What?
Anay - termite
Aawa-on - envious
Abaniko - hand fan
Abat - obvious
Aciete or asyete - cooking oil
Adaw - midday; noon time
Adlaw - day
Adto - there
Aduy! - ouch!
Aga - morning
Agbon - ashes
Aghat - to encourage
Agi (1) - penmanship
Agi (2) - mark; footstep; accomplishment
Agsub - frequent; constant
Agtang - forehead
Ak - me
Ako - I, my, mine
Alad - fence
Alayon - please (as in "Please, give this to her.")
Alo - shame
Alibangbang - butterfly
Alkuba - ceiling
Alsa - to lift something; to carry another person
Amay - father
Am - us (me and her/him/them)
Ambagaw - according to
Ambot - I don't know
Amo - our (my and her/his/their)
Amyon - scent
Anano? - What?
Anay - termite
Andana - storey
Andam - prepared
Ang-ang - to stammer; to stutter
Ani - harvest
Aninipot - firefly
Antiyuhos - eye glasses
Antos - to suffer
Api - to belong; to be included
Apo - grandchild
Apo nga babaye - granddaughter
Apo nga lalaki - grandson
Apoy - grandparent
Apoy nga babaye - grandmother
Apoy nga lalaki - grandfather
Arado - plow
Arakan - somebody who has a low tolerance for pain
Aram - knowledge
Aringit - grumpy
Ariyos - earring
Arot or arut - haircut
Arug - an old person
Arum - cloud (stress on the second syllable)
Arum - mole (stress on the first syllable)
Asawa - spouse (husband or wife)
Asin - salt
Aso - smoke
Asukar - sugar
Asum - sour
Aswang - witch
At - ours (yours and mine)
Atay - liver
Ato - our (your and my)
Ato - to fight back
Atubangan - front
Awa - envy
Awto - car
Ayam - dog
Ayaw - don't
Babaye - woman
Bado - dress; garment
Baga - red
Bagahon - young and innocent
Bag-ang - molar tooth
Bagis - line
Bag-o - new
Bagting - ringing of the bell
Andam - prepared
Ang-ang - to stammer; to stutter
Ani - harvest
Aninipot - firefly
Antiyuhos - eye glasses
Antos - to suffer
Api - to belong; to be included
Apo - grandchild
Apo nga babaye - granddaughter
Apo nga lalaki - grandson
Apoy - grandparent
Apoy nga babaye - grandmother
Apoy nga lalaki - grandfather
Arado - plow
Arakan - somebody who has a low tolerance for pain
Aram - knowledge
Aringit - grumpy
Ariyos - earring
Arot or arut - haircut
Arug - an old person
Arum - cloud (stress on the second syllable)
Arum - mole (stress on the first syllable)
Asawa - spouse (husband or wife)
Asin - salt
Aso - smoke
Asukar - sugar
Asum - sour
Aswang - witch
At - ours (yours and mine)
Atay - liver
Ato - our (your and my)
Ato - to fight back
Atubangan - front
Awa - envy
Awto - car
Ayam - dog
Ayaw - don't
Babaye - woman
Bado - dress; garment
Baga - red
Bagahon - young and innocent
Bag-ang - molar tooth
Bagis - line
Bag-o - new
Bagting - ringing of the bell
Bakho - sob; to sob
Baklo - to cut the nails
Baklohan - nailcutter
Baktin - pig
Bala - bullet
Balagun-on - naturally wavy hair
Balangaw - rainbow
Balaud - law
Balay - house
Balbag - to hit somebody with a bat or any other object
Balde - pail
Baligya - an item for sale
Balikad - reversed, e.g., reversed clothes
Baliko - crooked
Balitang - stairs
Balong - to throw something with great force or speed
Balud - wave
Baluto - small boat
Baltok - intelligent
Balyo - to buy something
Bandehado - platter
Bangalog - lowland near the riverbank
Bang-og -bad odor especially referring to human waste
Banhod - the condition of being numb
Bail - stocked rice
Banig - mat
Banios - to borrow some supply, e.g., rice, crops
Ban-o - to call a person's name
Baklo - to cut the nails
Baklohan - nailcutter
Baktin - pig
Bala - bullet
Balagun-on - naturally wavy hair
Balangaw - rainbow
Balaud - law
Balay - house
Balbag - to hit somebody with a bat or any other object
Balde - pail
Baligya - an item for sale
Balikad - reversed, e.g., reversed clothes
Baliko - crooked
Balitang - stairs
Balong - to throw something with great force or speed
Balud - wave
Baluto - small boat
Baltok - intelligent
Balyo - to buy something
Bandehado - platter
Bangalog - lowland near the riverbank
Bang-og -bad odor especially referring to human waste
Banhod - the condition of being numb
Bail - stocked rice
Banig - mat
Banios - to borrow some supply, e.g., rice, crops
Ban-o - to call a person's name
Bantog - famous
Banwa - grass
Banwaanon - a creature from another dimension
Barangas - beard
Baras - sand
Barato - cheap
Barbas - beard
Barko - ship
Baryo - a small village
Basketbol - basketball
Basketbolan - basketball court
Baso - glass
Bata - child (stress on the first syllable)
Bata - uncle (stress on the second syllable)
Batad - a broom made of tambo
Bato - stone
Batos - sidekick
Baybay - beach
Bayhon - face
Bayot - male homosexual; gay
Bayud - millipede
Batuta - cudgel or baton
Berde - green
Bikag - mumps
Binglad - unhusked rice; palay (Tagalog)
Binulan - monthly
Bintana - window
Binuy-akan - kicked
Biskwit - crackers
Bitiis - leg
Bituon - star
Biyuos - bud
Buaya - crocodile
Bubong - roof
Bubot - butt; rectum
Budo - salted fish
Bugas - rice
Bug-os - whole
Bugto - sibling
Bugto nga babaye - sister
Bugto nga lalaki - brother
Buhat (1) - to rise; to carry something
Buhat (2) - activity
Buhian - to let go
Buhi - alive
Buhok - hair
Bukad - flower
Bukaw - owl
Bukdo - to protrude
Buksol - stocky; plump
Buktot - hunchback
Bulag - separated
Bulan - moon
Bulang - cockfight
Bulangan - cockfight arena
Bulaw - brown
Bulawan - gold
Bulig - help; to help
Bulong - medicine
Bulos - revenge
Bulsa - pocket
Bunak - to wash clothes
Bunakan - laundry
Bunay - eggs
Bunay - scrotum
Bun-i - ringworm
Buno - to pierce
Bungol - deaf
Bungot - mustache
Bungto - town
Buong - shattered or broken (as in broken glass)
Buotan - kind
Burabod - spring (natural source of water)
Buringot - messy; unkempt
Burobahutog - to wander aimlessly
Burobaluto - toy sailboat
Burahibo - skin hair
Burog - haircut
Burod - pregnant
Buruhaton - things to be done; things to do
Busag - white
Buslong - to look directly into another person's eyes
Busog - full; stuffed
Buta - blind
Butang nga pinanbuhat - activities accomplished
Butnga - middle
Buto - penis (for mature men)
Butok - bind
Butong (1) - to pull
Butong (2) - to buy a piece of land
Buwa - lie; to lie
Buwaon - liar
Buwas - tomorrow
Buy-ak - to kick
Buy-ay - belly fat
Buyhaw - sober
Buyong - hernia
Daan - old
Dada - aunt
Dahon - leaf
Dagahap - blurred
Dagat - sea; beach
Dagaw - shadow
Dagnas - to drag something or somebody
Dagum or dagom - needle
Daki - dandruff
Dakop - to catch
Dakpa - a verb derived from dakop; a command to catch something
Dalagan - to run
Dalan - road; path
Dalugdog - thunder
Danas - to drag something or somebody
Danay - sometimes
Dapa - to lie down on the stomach
Daraga - an unmarried lady or a young unmarried girl
Daragita - a young girl (approximately between 10 to 14 years old)
Darako or dako - big
Daramo or damo - many or abundant
Datung - to arrive
Daug - to win; winner
Daugan - winner
Dayaw - praise; to praise
Dayuday - forever
Dayupak - to clap
Di - no; not
Dila - tongue
Dimalas - unlucky
Diri - no; not
Diskanso - to rest
Dito or ditoy - small
Dudgo - to wail because of extreme pain
Dug-ab - to belch
Dugang - addition
Dughan - chest
Dugo - blood
Dugtong - continuation
Duha - two
Duktor - doctor
Dulsi - candy
Duma - root crop
Dunot - rotten
Dungan - synchronized
Dungot - dried nasal mucus
Duok - to come nearer; to go nearer to a person or an object
Duon - to press
During - dead skin cells
Durodilain - varied
Durot - greedy; selfish
Durungan - synchronized
Dutdot - pubic hair
Duyan - hammock
Duyog - accompaniment
Edru - airplane
Elepante - elephant
Embudo - funnel
Eskalon - storey
Eskuyla - student
Eskuylahan - school
Gagasud - to shout
Gahum - power
Gamot - root
Ganghaw - breath
Garudgatod - rough
Gatas - milkGikan - to leave
Gimahali - skyrocketing prices
Ginhawa - to breathe
Ginoo - God; Lord
Ginparong - turned off the lights
Gisi - to tear
Grabe - seriously ill
Gugma - love
Gulpi - plenty
Gunit - to pull another person's hair
Gusaw - out of tune; off-key
Gutok - back (back of the body)
Gutom - hunger; hungry
Guyok - to tickle; ticklish
Hababaw - shallow
Habubo - short
Hagdan - stairs
Hagong - snore; to snore
Hadi - king
Hain - where
Harok - kiss
Halaba - long
Halarom (or hilarom) - deep
Halapad - wide
Halas - snake
Halipot - short
Halot - greedy; selfish
Hangga - chicken pox
Hangkop - to embrace; to hug
Harani - near
Harayo -far
Harigi - pillar
Haruan - mud fish
Harubas - naked
Hasta - including, e.g., "hasta ak" (It includes me.), "hasta an mga bisita" (including the visitors)
Hayop - animal
Hawan - yard
Higda - to lie down
Higdaan - a place for sleeping; a bed
Higop - to drink from a bowl
Higot - knot
Higripid - neighbors
Hinay-hinay - slowly
Hinigugma - beloved
Banwa - grass
Banwaanon - a creature from another dimension
Barangas - beard
Baras - sand
Barato - cheap
Barbas - beard
Barko - ship
Baryo - a small village
Basketbol - basketball
Basketbolan - basketball court
Baso - glass
Bata - child (stress on the first syllable)
Bata - uncle (stress on the second syllable)
Batad - a broom made of tambo
Bato - stone
Batos - sidekick
Baybay - beach
Bayhon - face
Bayot - male homosexual; gay
Bayud - millipede
Batuta - cudgel or baton
Berde - green
Bikag - mumps
Binglad - unhusked rice; palay (Tagalog)
Binulan - monthly
Bintana - window
Binuy-akan - kicked
Biskwit - crackers
Bitiis - leg
Bituon - star
Biyuos - bud
Buaya - crocodile
Bubong - roof
Bubot - butt; rectum
Budo - salted fish
Bugas - rice
Bug-os - whole
Bugto - sibling
Bugto nga babaye - sister
Bugto nga lalaki - brother
Buhat (1) - to rise; to carry something
Buhat (2) - activity
Buhian - to let go
Buhi - alive
Buhok - hair
Bukad - flower
Bukaw - owl
Bukdo - to protrude
Buksol - stocky; plump
Buktot - hunchback
Bulag - separated
Bulan - moon
Bulang - cockfight
Bulangan - cockfight arena
Bulaw - brown
Bulawan - gold
Bulig - help; to help
Bulong - medicine
Bulos - revenge
Bulsa - pocket
Bunak - to wash clothes
Bunakan - laundry
Bunay - eggs
Bunay - scrotum
Bun-i - ringworm
Buno - to pierce
Bungol - deaf
Bungot - mustache
Bungto - town
Buong - shattered or broken (as in broken glass)
Buotan - kind
Burabod - spring (natural source of water)
Buringot - messy; unkempt
Burobahutog - to wander aimlessly
Burobaluto - toy sailboat
Burahibo - skin hair
Burog - haircut
Burod - pregnant
Buruhaton - things to be done; things to do
Busag - white
Buslong - to look directly into another person's eyes
Busog - full; stuffed
Buta - blind
Butang nga pinanbuhat - activities accomplished
Butnga - middle
Buto - penis (for mature men)
Butok - bind
Butong (1) - to pull
Butong (2) - to buy a piece of land
Buwa - lie; to lie
Buwaon - liar
Buwas - tomorrow
Buy-ak - to kick
Buy-ay - belly fat
Buyhaw - sober
Buyong - hernia
Daan - old
Dada - aunt
Dahon - leaf
Dagahap - blurred
Dagat - sea; beach
Dagaw - shadow
Dagnas - to drag something or somebody
Dagum or dagom - needle
Daki - dandruff
Dakop - to catch
Dakpa - a verb derived from dakop; a command to catch something
Dalagan - to run
Dalan - road; path
Dalugdog - thunder
Danas - to drag something or somebody
Danay - sometimes
Dapa - to lie down on the stomach
Daraga - an unmarried lady or a young unmarried girl
Daragita - a young girl (approximately between 10 to 14 years old)
Darako or dako - big
Daramo or damo - many or abundant
Datung - to arrive
Daug - to win; winner
Daugan - winner
Dayaw - praise; to praise
Dayuday - forever
Dayupak - to clap
Di - no; not
Dila - tongue
Dimalas - unlucky
Diri - no; not
Diskanso - to rest
Dito or ditoy - small
Dudgo - to wail because of extreme pain
Dug-ab - to belch
Dugang - addition
Dughan - chest
Dugo - blood
Dugtong - continuation
Duha - two
Duktor - doctor
Dulsi - candy
Duma - root crop
Dunot - rotten
Dungan - synchronized
Dungot - dried nasal mucus
Duok - to come nearer; to go nearer to a person or an object
Duon - to press
During - dead skin cells
Durodilain - varied
Durot - greedy; selfish
Durungan - synchronized
Dutdot - pubic hair
Duyan - hammock
Duyog - accompaniment
Edru - airplane
Elepante - elephant
Embudo - funnel
Eskalon - storey
Eskuyla - student
Eskuylahan - school
Gagasud - to shout
Gahum - power
Gamot - root
Ganghaw - breath
Garudgatod - rough
Gatas - milkGikan - to leave
Gimahali - skyrocketing prices
Ginhawa - to breathe
Ginoo - God; Lord
Ginparong - turned off the lights
Gisi - to tear
Grabe - seriously ill
Gugma - love
Gulpi - plenty
Gunit - to pull another person's hair
Gusaw - out of tune; off-key
Gutok - back (back of the body)
Gutom - hunger; hungry
Guyok - to tickle; ticklish
Hababaw - shallow
Habubo - short
Hagdan - stairs
Hagong - snore; to snore
Hadi - king
Hain - where
Harok - kiss
Halaba - long
Halarom (or hilarom) - deep
Halapad - wide
Halas - snake
Halipot - short
Halot - greedy; selfish
Hangga - chicken pox
Hangkop - to embrace; to hug
Harani - near
Harayo -far
Harigi - pillar
Haruan - mud fish
Harubas - naked
Hasta - including, e.g., "hasta ak" (It includes me.), "hasta an mga bisita" (including the visitors)
Hayop - animal
Hawan - yard
Higda - to lie down
Higdaan - a place for sleeping; a bed
Higop - to drink from a bowl
Higot - knot
Higripid - neighbors
Hinay-hinay - slowly
Hinigugma - beloved
Hinimo - created; made
Hinog - ripe
Hinumdumi - to remember
Hinumduman - remembrance
Hinog - ripe
Hinumdumi - to remember
Hinumduman - remembrance
Hingbis - scales (as in fish scales)
Hingyap - obsession
Hipid - neighbor
Hiranat - fever
Hirot - careful
Hirug - to scrub the body
Hirugan - a stone used for cleaning the body, i.e., to remove dead skin cells
Hiunong - about
Hiwa - mouth
Hiyum - smile
Hostes - prostitute
Huba - naked
Hubog - drunk
Hubrak - lazy
Hubya - lazy
Hugay - to convince; to lure
Hulas - sweat; perspiration
Hulat - to wait
Hulos - wet
Human - finished; done
Humoy - wet
Hunahuna - idea
Huni - chirping of the birds
Huram - to borrow
Huring - whisper
Hurobhutob - speculations
Hurong-hurong - tipsy
Hutib-hutib - murmur
Hutok - to bow down one's head
Hutuwong - to stare blankly
Huwas - healed
Huyam - to yawn
Huygo - to gamble
Huyop - to blow
Iban - subtraction
Ido - puppy
Igsura - a dish that consists of either fish or meat
Ihi - urine
Ika-duha - second
Ika-lima - fifth
Ika-napulo - tenth
Ika-pito - seventh
Ika-siyam - ninth
Ika-tulo - third
Ika-unom - sixth
Ika-upat - fourth
Ikaw - you
Ika-walo - eighth
Imos - insane
Inadlaw - daily
Indigay - competition
Inop - dream; ambition
Inuli - went home
Inggids - boyfriend; girlfriend
Ilarum - lower part (of a house, of an object)
Ilo - orphan
Im-im - lip/s
Indig - envy
Inuumaw - senile
Ipo - cat
Irapa - sickly
Irimnun or irimnon - liquor
Irok - armpit
Irong - nose
Iroy - mother
Isda - fish
Isol - move aside
Istrikto - disciplinarian
Ispat - flashlight
Kaagahon - dawn
Kaapi - member
Kaarugan - the elderly
Kababayen-an - women
Kabataan - youth
Kabayo - horse
Kablas - poor
Kabubwason - bright future
Kabugtoan - siblings
Kabulig - household help
Kadaan - obsolete
Kada adlaw - every day
Kada bulan - every month
Kada gab-i - every night
Kada kulop - every afternoon
Kadam-an - majority
Kada tuig - every year
Kadayaw - full moon
Kadop - to swim deeper
Kag-anak - parent
Kagugub-an - forest
Kagurangan - forest
Kahapon - yesterday
Kahawan - clean surroundings
Kahimo - face
Kahulop - to worry
Kaisog - courage
Kaka - to scratch
Kalalakin-an - men
Kalamay - hard dark brown sugar
Kalawid - small hut; temporary shelter
Kalayo - fire
Kaldero - rice pot
Kalibutan - world
Kalinaw - peace
Kalipay - joy
Kalot - to scratch a body part
Kalagwating - tall and slender
Kalye - street
Kamatis - tomato
Kamatayon - death
Kamatuoran - truth
Kamot - hand
Kamutang - condition, e.g., a patient's condition
Kamutangan - situation; condition
Kanina - a while ago
Kanira/kanra - their; theirs
Kan-o - when
Kanta - to sing
Kantura - church choir
Kaon - to eat
Kapalaran - fate; destiny
Kapasakyan - rice fields
Kape - coffee
Kapirdihan - loss
Kapot - to hold
Karabasa - squash (plant)
Karaha - pan
Hingyap - obsession
Hipid - neighbor
Hiranat - fever
Hirot - careful
Hirug - to scrub the body
Hirugan - a stone used for cleaning the body, i.e., to remove dead skin cells
Hiunong - about
Hiwa - mouth
Hiyum - smile
Hostes - prostitute
Huba - naked
Hubog - drunk
Hubrak - lazy
Hubya - lazy
Hugay - to convince; to lure
Hulas - sweat; perspiration
Hulat - to wait
Hulos - wet
Human - finished; done
Humoy - wet
Hunahuna - idea
Huni - chirping of the birds
Huram - to borrow
Huring - whisper
Hurobhutob - speculations
Hurong-hurong - tipsy
Hutib-hutib - murmur
Hutok - to bow down one's head
Hutuwong - to stare blankly
Huwas - healed
Huyam - to yawn
Huygo - to gamble
Huyop - to blow
Iban - subtraction
Ido - puppy
Igsura - a dish that consists of either fish or meat
Ihi - urine
Ika-duha - second
Ika-lima - fifth
Ika-napulo - tenth
Ika-pito - seventh
Ika-siyam - ninth
Ika-tulo - third
Ika-unom - sixth
Ika-upat - fourth
Ikaw - you
Ika-walo - eighth
Imos - insane
Inadlaw - daily
Indigay - competition
Inop - dream; ambition
Inuli - went home
Inggids - boyfriend; girlfriend
Ilarum - lower part (of a house, of an object)
Ilo - orphan
Im-im - lip/s
Indig - envy
Inuumaw - senile
Ipo - cat
Irapa - sickly
Irimnun or irimnon - liquor
Irok - armpit
Irong - nose
Iroy - mother
Isda - fish
Isol - move aside
Istrikto - disciplinarian
Ispat - flashlight
Kaagahon - dawn
Kaapi - member
Kaarugan - the elderly
Kababayen-an - women
Kabataan - youth
Kabayo - horse
Kablas - poor
Kabubwason - bright future
Kabugtoan - siblings
Kabulig - household help
Kadaan - obsolete
Kada adlaw - every day
Kada bulan - every month
Kada gab-i - every night
Kada kulop - every afternoon
Kadam-an - majority
Kada tuig - every year
Kadayaw - full moon
Kadop - to swim deeper
Kag-anak - parent
Kagugub-an - forest
Kagurangan - forest
Kahapon - yesterday
Kahawan - clean surroundings
Kahimo - face
Kahulop - to worry
Kaisog - courage
Kaka - to scratch
Kalalakin-an - men
Kalamay - hard dark brown sugar
Kalawid - small hut; temporary shelter
Kalayo - fire
Kaldero - rice pot
Kalibutan - world
Kalinaw - peace
Kalipay - joy
Kalot - to scratch a body part
Kalagwating - tall and slender
Kalye - street
Kamatis - tomato
Kamatayon - death
Kamatuoran - truth
Kamot - hand
Kamutang - condition, e.g., a patient's condition
Kamutangan - situation; condition
Kanina - a while ago
Kanira/kanra - their; theirs
Kan-o - when
Kanta - to sing
Kantura - church choir
Kaon - to eat
Kapalaran - fate; destiny
Kapasakyan - rice fields
Kape - coffee
Kapirdihan - loss
Kapot - to hold
Karabasa - squash (plant)
Karaha - pan
Karan-un - sweets; dessert
Karasal - wedding feast
Kari - dry scaly skin
Karion - someone who has dry scaly skin
Karuha - twin
Karuyag - to like
Kasal - wedding
Kasangkayan - friends
Kaserola - pot
Kasili - eel
Kasina - anger
Kasing-kasing - heart
Kaspa - dandruff
Katapusan - end
Katawhan - people
Katitirok - gathering
Katre - bed
Katsapa - frog
Katsumba - chili
Katol - itchy
Katungod - right (as in the right to live)
Katutnga - midnight
Katurog - sleep
Katuyawan - foolishness
Kaurupdan - relatives
Kawayan - bamboo
Kay nano - why
Kibul or kibol - to strangle
Kidokido - to gyrate
Kiki - food stuck between teeth
Kinabuhi - life
Kinahanglan - necessary
Kinasingkasing - sincere
Kinupkop - past tense of kupkop
Kiray - eyebrow
Kiru or kiro - to wink
Kisam - to chew
Kiwa - movement
Kon sugad - therefore
Kosta - a type of banana
Kubot - to pinch
Kugang - scab
Kugos - to carry an infant or a child
Kulaog - shout; to shout
Kulali - earwax
Kulang - lacking
Kulayhong - to place something around the neck, e.g., a garland
Kuligi - to shriek; to cry out in a high-pitched voice
Kulo - toenail or fingernail
Kulop - afternoon
Kumayingking - little finger
Kupkop - to embrace; to hug
Kupsan - waist
Kurahab - a loud cry; to cry loudly
Kurdog - insane
Kuriot - to squint
Kuro - shrink
Kuron - clay pot
Kurong - curly hair
Kurutol - a malnourished person; a plant with stunted growth
Kuryente - electric current
Kusog - strength
Kuto - head louse
Kutsara - spoon
Kutsarita - teaspoon
Kutsilyo - knife
Kuwarto - bedroom
Kwarta - money
Lab-as - freshly caught fish
Lagay - mud
Lagikway - cassava
Lagus - gums
Lahing - fully grown
Lain - different
Lakaw - to walk
Lako - phlegm
Lakub - a bamboo container for coconut wine
Lamo - unorganized
Larang - plan
Langaw - fly (insect)
Langit - heaven
Langoy - to swim
Laso (1) - boiled water
Laso (2) - ribbon
Lasona - garlic
Lata - tin can
Lata - to speak
Lawas - body
Laway - saliva
Lawud - ocean
Laum - to hope; to expect
Lauy - to visit a sick person; to visit the Blessed Sacrament
Leog - neck
Liang - to be absent
Libak - to backbite
Libat - cross-eyed
Libo - to cheat
Libro - book
Libsog - healthy
Lido - to roll
Lidong - wheel
Ligid - side (as in left side or right side)
Lilimuton - forgetful
Lima - five
Limugmog - to gargle
Linog - earthquake
Lingkod - to sit
Linta - leech
Linya - line
Lisang - to panic
Lista - a list; to make a list
Listo - experienced; knowledgeable
Lipon - wall
Lipuyok - round
Liwan - replacement
Lomo - a dish made of sauteed meat mixed with animal blood
Lubak-lubak - bumpy
Lubi - coconut
Luga - yellow or brown fluid coming from the ear
Luho - hole
Luhod - to kneel
Lunop - deluge
Lupad - to fly
Lupo - sprain
Lusa - the egg of a head louse; nits
Luwa or lowa - poetry; poem
Luyo - at the back (back of the building/back seat)
Maamhok - the smell of stocked rice
Maaram - knowledgeable
Maasin - salty
Maasum - sour
Mabanhud - numb
Mabara - ugly
Mabara-bara - slightly ugly
Mabaho - stinky
Mabaho-baho - a bit stinky/smelly
Mabaysay - lovely; beautiful
Mabug-at - heavy
Madalunot - slippery
Madre - nun
Maduas - pale
Maduruto - hardworking; industrious
Magaan - light
Mag-asawa - married couple
Mag-amay - father and child
Magbulag - to part ways; to disunite
Magburuhat - Creator
Mag-iroy - mother and child
Magkarukat - assorted
Magnanay - mother and child
Magtatay - father and child
Mag-unabi - to mention something
Magurang - older
Mahagkot - cold (as in cold weather)
Mahal - expensive
Mahamis (1) - smooth: smooth skin or smooth surface
Mahamis (2) - orderly
Maharang - spicy hot
Mahibaro - to learn
Mahinay - slow
Mahiran - quarrelsome
Mahi-una - to ba first
Mahi-uri - to be last
Mahugos - thin or skinny (as in skinny child)
Mahulos - wet
Mahumot - fragrant
Mahuraw - dry season
Mahusay - beautiful
Mainggat - shiny
Mairas - warm weather
Makahihigugma - loveable
Makalalangot - annoying
Makalilipay - any event that makes a person happy
Makasikasi - resourceful
Makatatawa - funny
Makatol - itchy
Makililimos - beggar
Makisasangkayon - friendly
Makulba - alarming
Makuri - difficult to accomplish
Makusog - strong
Malabyaw - snobbish
Malagay - muddy
Malaksi - fast; quick
Malaw-ay - impure thoughts, words, and actions
Malibo - cheater
Malimpyo - clean
Malinaw - calm
Malinawon - peaceful
Malipayon - happy
Malipong (1) - dizzy
Malipong (2) - to feel unwell because of a complicated situation
Maluluy-on - merciful
Maluya - weak
Mamara - dry
Mamingaw - quiet/silent
Mananap - insect
Mani - peanut
Manipis - thin (as in thin book)
Mantika - oil
Mangaro - blunt or dull (a knife that's not sharp)
Manugbanog - kite
Manunubos - Savior
Manghud - younger sibling
Mapait - bitter
Mapan-os - stale or spoiled
Mapaso - hot temperature
Mapinit - cold (as in cold food)
Mapintas - brave
Mapurot - ugly; undesirable
Maragkot - sticky
Maragumo - crunchy
Marabong - thick (as in thick grass)
Marasa - delicious
Maribhong - festive mood
Marig-on - sturdy
Marigsuk - dirty
Marigna - dirty
Martilyo - hammer
Masamok - topsy-turvy
Masayon - easy
Masirum - dark
Masudang - sunny (e.g., sunny day)
Masuliaw - glaring light
Masulog - swiftly flowing (e.g., river)
Masuna - bright
Masuol - painful
Masurub-on - sad; lonely
Mata (1) - eye
Mata (2) - awake
Mataba - plump
Mataba-taba - chubby
Matabata - doll
Matalaw - coward
Matabata - doll
Matamay - one who belittles or looks down on other people
Matam-is - sweet
Matangis - fond of crying; one who easily cries
Matanglay - tiresome
Matapsi - tasteless
Matarom - sharp
Matatapuran - trustworthy
Matawa-tawa - smiling; happy
Matiaw - somebody who jokes a lot
Matibaksi - active
Matugas - hard (opposite of soft)
Matuod-tuod - believable
Mauli - will go home
Maupay - good
Mauran - rainy (e.g., rainy day)
Mauyam - boring
May - has/have/had
Mayaman - rich
Mayaon - has/ have/ had
Mayumo - soft
Merkado - market
Minimingaw - homesick
Misay (regular Waray) - cat
Molinohan - rice mill
Mud-ot - to frown
Musdot - to frown
Musurot - to frown
Naabat - aware; conscious
Naaawa - envious (with selfish motive)
Nababarahibuan - to feel inferior
Nababarikaso - busy
Nababarahuba - worried
Nadiri - does not like
Nag-a-ang-ang - stutterring
Nagbabati - experiencing labor pains
Nagdudugo - bleeding
Nagdudugtong - connection; connecting
Naghihiniran - quarreling
Naghuhuna-huna - deeply absorbed in thought; thinking
Nag-iinop - dreaming; daydreaming
Nag-inop - dreamt
Nagkikiwa - moving; active
Nagmaan - learned a lesson the hard way
Nagmamata - awake
Nagruruhaduha - having second thoughts
Nagsisirum - the time of day right after sunset
Nagsusumpay - connection; connecting
Nagtatabag - to carry or to hold something with the use of the mouth
Nag-uubay - the act of sleeping together in one bed
Nag-unabi - mentioned something
Nahingangaturog - sleepy
Nahingaratan - startled
Nahipakulob - tripped and fell face down
Nahipalindas - tripped and fell
Nahi-una - past tense of mahi-una
Nahiunongan - cause
Nahi-uri - past tense of mahi-uri
Nahuhulop - worried
Nahuhulog - is falling
Nahulog - fell
Naihap - was/were counted
Naiktay - short as in short dress
Naindig - envious; jealous
Nakakaaghat - encouraging
Nakaladkad - boiling
Nakaturog - sleeping
Nakatuspok - sleeping
Nakaulang - hindrance
Nakirab - worried
Nalalangot - annoyed; upset
Nalaum - to expect
Nalilipay - happy
Nalilipong - dizzy
Nalingkod - sitting; in a sitting position
Nalulumos - drowning
Namud-ot -frowning
Namusdot - frowning
Namusurot -frowning
Nan-gigirabo - having goosebumps
Nangingipa - see pangipa
Namok - mosquito
Nanhuhuna-huna - deeply absorbed in thought; thinking
Nanmumurutos-putos - having goosebumps
Nanay - mother
Nano - what
Napulo - ten
Napunitan - had a miscarriage
Napurakan - had a miscarriage
Naririmadima - to feel "yucky"
Nariringa - restless
Nars - nurse
Nasarang - to give a wrong answer
Nasarit - to ask permission
Nasingarug - one who behaves, acts, and thinks like an old person
Nasisina - angry; mad
Nasud - country
Nasusubo - sad
Natatanglay - tired
Natig-luya - getting weaker and weaker
Natugbos - in a standing position
Naudog - stiff
Nautog - having an erection
Nauuyam - bored
Niyan - later
Nuka - skin disease
Nuos - squid
Ngadi - here
Ngahab - somebody with missing front teeth
Ngain - where
Nganga - to open one's mouth
Ngaran - name
Ngarub - hoarse voice
Ngadto - there
Ngula - mute
Nguynguy - wail; to wail
Ohataw - soup bowl
Oo - yes
Olot - monkey
Paa - thigh
Padag - one who doesn't know how to dance
Padayon - continue
Padi - priest
Pagal-pagal - dead tired
Pag-ani - to harvest
Pag-antos - suffering
Pag-aro - to ask a favor; to ask for something
Pag-ataman - to take care of something or somebody
Pagbahin-bahin - to divide
Pagbanti - to till the land
Pagdalus - to uproot or to clear weeds using purang
Pagdatung - arrival
Pagdugang - to add
Pagduso - to push
Paggikan - departure
Paghimo - to create; to make
Paghinay - take care
Paghunahuna - to think
Pag-iban - to subtract
Pag-ihap - to count
Pagkabahin-bahin - division
Pagkahulog - to fall
Pagkalipay - happiness
Pagkamingaw - homesickness
Pagkapalindas - to trip and fall
Pagkapakulob - to trip and fall face down
Pagkaon - food
Pagkasubo - sadness
Pagkatangkud - honesty; faithfulness
Pagkaumaw - senility
Pagkawakay - destruction
Pagkiwa - to move
Paglata - to speak
Paglaum - hope
Paglimot - to forget
Pagmaan - to learn a lesson the hard way
Pagmangno - to nurture
Pagnguynguy - cries (n.)
Pagpara - to delete; to erase
Pagparong - to turn off the lights
Pagpulod - to fell a tree
Pagpunit - to have an abortion
Pagpurak - to have an abortion
Pagrabas - to cut tall grasses
Pagragas - to destroy something
Pagsagdon - to advise
Pagsubaw - to have a proposal; to propose
Pagtapod - trust; to trust
Pagtirok - to save money
Pagtoo - faith
Pagtulang - to push
Pag-ukad - to dig
Pag-uma - farming
Pag-ungara - to desire something
Pag-utod - to break something into two
Pagwakay - to destroy
Pahumot - perfume
Pahuway - rest; to rest
Paisan-isan - contest
Pakadi - come here
Pakadto - go there
Palad - palm
Palad - fate; destiny
Palakin-on - lesbian
Palingki - crazy
Palit - to buy
Pamahaw - breakfast
Pananglitan - for example
Pamati (1) - to listen
Pamati (2) - how a person feels, e.g., How are you feeling today?
Pan-girabo - to have goosebumps
Pangadye - prayer; to pray
Pangandiis - dimple
Panganuron - skies; sky
Pangawat - to rob
Pangiklop - supper
Panginadaw - lunch
Panginahanglan - needs
Panginano - to attend to something or someone
Pangipa - strange food cravings during pregnancy
Pangisda - fishing
Pangiwakiwa - to do something in order to accomplish a goal
Karasal - wedding feast
Kari - dry scaly skin
Karion - someone who has dry scaly skin
Karuha - twin
Karuyag - to like
Kasal - wedding
Kasangkayan - friends
Kaserola - pot
Kasili - eel
Kasina - anger
Kasing-kasing - heart
Kaspa - dandruff
Katapusan - end
Katawhan - people
Katitirok - gathering
Katre - bed
Katsapa - frog
Katsumba - chili
Katol - itchy
Katungod - right (as in the right to live)
Katutnga - midnight
Katurog - sleep
Katuyawan - foolishness
Kaurupdan - relatives
Kawayan - bamboo
Kay nano - why
Kibul or kibol - to strangle
Kidokido - to gyrate
Kiki - food stuck between teeth
Kinabuhi - life
Kinahanglan - necessary
Kinasingkasing - sincere
Kinupkop - past tense of kupkop
Kiray - eyebrow
Kiru or kiro - to wink
Kisam - to chew
Kiwa - movement
Kon sugad - therefore
Kosta - a type of banana
Kubot - to pinch
Kugang - scab
Kugos - to carry an infant or a child
Kulaog - shout; to shout
Kulali - earwax
Kulang - lacking
Kulayhong - to place something around the neck, e.g., a garland
Kuligi - to shriek; to cry out in a high-pitched voice
Kulo - toenail or fingernail
Kulop - afternoon
Kumayingking - little finger
Kupkop - to embrace; to hug
Kupsan - waist
Kurahab - a loud cry; to cry loudly
Kurdog - insane
Kuriot - to squint
Kuro - shrink
Kuron - clay pot
Kurong - curly hair
Kurutol - a malnourished person; a plant with stunted growth
Kuryente - electric current
Kusog - strength
Kuto - head louse
Kutsara - spoon
Kutsarita - teaspoon
Kutsilyo - knife
Kuwarto - bedroom
Kwarta - money
Lab-as - freshly caught fish
Lagay - mud
Lagikway - cassava
Lagus - gums
Lahing - fully grown
Lain - different
Lakaw - to walk
Lako - phlegm
Lakub - a bamboo container for coconut wine
Lamo - unorganized
Larang - plan
Langaw - fly (insect)
Langit - heaven
Langoy - to swim
Laso (1) - boiled water
Laso (2) - ribbon
Lasona - garlic
Lata - tin can
Lata - to speak
Lawas - body
Laway - saliva
Lawud - ocean
Laum - to hope; to expect
Lauy - to visit a sick person; to visit the Blessed Sacrament
Leog - neck
Liang - to be absent
Libak - to backbite
Libat - cross-eyed
Libo - to cheat
Libro - book
Libsog - healthy
Lido - to roll
Lidong - wheel
Ligid - side (as in left side or right side)
Lilimuton - forgetful
Lima - five
Limugmog - to gargle
Linog - earthquake
Lingkod - to sit
Linta - leech
Linya - line
Lisang - to panic
Lista - a list; to make a list
Listo - experienced; knowledgeable
Lipon - wall
Lipuyok - round
Liwan - replacement
Lomo - a dish made of sauteed meat mixed with animal blood
Lubak-lubak - bumpy
Lubi - coconut
Luga - yellow or brown fluid coming from the ear
Luho - hole
Luhod - to kneel
Lunop - deluge
Lupad - to fly
Lupo - sprain
Lusa - the egg of a head louse; nits
Luwa or lowa - poetry; poem
Luyo - at the back (back of the building/back seat)
Maamhok - the smell of stocked rice
Maaram - knowledgeable
Maasin - salty
Maasum - sour
Mabanhud - numb
Mabara - ugly
Mabara-bara - slightly ugly
Mabaho - stinky
Mabaho-baho - a bit stinky/smelly
Mabaysay - lovely; beautiful
Mabug-at - heavy
Madalunot - slippery
Madre - nun
Maduas - pale
Maduruto - hardworking; industrious
Magaan - light
Mag-asawa - married couple
Mag-amay - father and child
Magbulag - to part ways; to disunite
Magburuhat - Creator
Mag-iroy - mother and child
Magkarukat - assorted
Magnanay - mother and child
Magtatay - father and child
Mag-unabi - to mention something
Magurang - older
Mahagkot - cold (as in cold weather)
Mahal - expensive
Mahamis (1) - smooth: smooth skin or smooth surface
Mahamis (2) - orderly
Maharang - spicy hot
Mahibaro - to learn
Mahinay - slow
Mahiran - quarrelsome
Mahi-una - to ba first
Mahi-uri - to be last
Mahugos - thin or skinny (as in skinny child)
Mahulos - wet
Mahumot - fragrant
Mahuraw - dry season
Mahusay - beautiful
Mainggat - shiny
Mairas - warm weather
Makahihigugma - loveable
Makalalangot - annoying
Makalilipay - any event that makes a person happy
Makasikasi - resourceful
Makatatawa - funny
Makatol - itchy
Makililimos - beggar
Makisasangkayon - friendly
Makulba - alarming
Makuri - difficult to accomplish
Makusog - strong
Malabyaw - snobbish
Malagay - muddy
Malaksi - fast; quick
Malaw-ay - impure thoughts, words, and actions
Malibo - cheater
Malimpyo - clean
Malinaw - calm
Malinawon - peaceful
Malipayon - happy
Malipong (1) - dizzy
Malipong (2) - to feel unwell because of a complicated situation
Maluluy-on - merciful
Maluya - weak
Mamara - dry
Mamingaw - quiet/silent
Mananap - insect
Mani - peanut
Manipis - thin (as in thin book)
Mantika - oil
Mangaro - blunt or dull (a knife that's not sharp)
Manugbanog - kite
Manunubos - Savior
Manghud - younger sibling
Mapait - bitter
Mapan-os - stale or spoiled
Mapaso - hot temperature
Mapinit - cold (as in cold food)
Mapintas - brave
Mapurot - ugly; undesirable
Maragkot - sticky
Maragumo - crunchy
Marabong - thick (as in thick grass)
Marasa - delicious
Maribhong - festive mood
Marig-on - sturdy
Marigsuk - dirty
Marigna - dirty
Martilyo - hammer
Masamok - topsy-turvy
Masayon - easy
Masirum - dark
Masudang - sunny (e.g., sunny day)
Masuliaw - glaring light
Masulog - swiftly flowing (e.g., river)
Masuna - bright
Masuol - painful
Masurub-on - sad; lonely
Mata (1) - eye
Mata (2) - awake
Mataba - plump
Mataba-taba - chubby
Matabata - doll
Matalaw - coward
Matabata - doll
Matamay - one who belittles or looks down on other people
Matam-is - sweet
Matangis - fond of crying; one who easily cries
Matanglay - tiresome
Matapsi - tasteless
Matarom - sharp
Matatapuran - trustworthy
Matawa-tawa - smiling; happy
Matiaw - somebody who jokes a lot
Matibaksi - active
Matugas - hard (opposite of soft)
Matuod-tuod - believable
Mauli - will go home
Maupay - good
Mauran - rainy (e.g., rainy day)
Mauyam - boring
May - has/have/had
Mayaman - rich
Mayaon - has/ have/ had
Mayumo - soft
Merkado - market
Minimingaw - homesick
Misay (regular Waray) - cat
Molinohan - rice mill
Mud-ot - to frown
Musdot - to frown
Musurot - to frown
Naabat - aware; conscious
Naaawa - envious (with selfish motive)
Nababarahibuan - to feel inferior
Nababarikaso - busy
Nababarahuba - worried
Nadiri - does not like
Nag-a-ang-ang - stutterring
Nagbabati - experiencing labor pains
Nagdudugo - bleeding
Nagdudugtong - connection; connecting
Naghihiniran - quarreling
Naghuhuna-huna - deeply absorbed in thought; thinking
Nag-iinop - dreaming; daydreaming
Nag-inop - dreamt
Nagkikiwa - moving; active
Nagmaan - learned a lesson the hard way
Nagmamata - awake
Nagruruhaduha - having second thoughts
Nagsisirum - the time of day right after sunset
Nagsusumpay - connection; connecting
Nagtatabag - to carry or to hold something with the use of the mouth
Nag-uubay - the act of sleeping together in one bed
Nag-unabi - mentioned something
Nahingangaturog - sleepy
Nahingaratan - startled
Nahipakulob - tripped and fell face down
Nahipalindas - tripped and fell
Nahi-una - past tense of mahi-una
Nahiunongan - cause
Nahi-uri - past tense of mahi-uri
Nahuhulop - worried
Nahuhulog - is falling
Nahulog - fell
Naihap - was/were counted
Naiktay - short as in short dress
Naindig - envious; jealous
Nakakaaghat - encouraging
Nakaladkad - boiling
Nakaturog - sleeping
Nakatuspok - sleeping
Nakaulang - hindrance
Nakirab - worried
Nalalangot - annoyed; upset
Nalaum - to expect
Nalilipay - happy
Nalilipong - dizzy
Nalingkod - sitting; in a sitting position
Nalulumos - drowning
Namud-ot -frowning
Namusdot - frowning
Namusurot -frowning
Nan-gigirabo - having goosebumps
Nangingipa - see pangipa
Namok - mosquito
Nanhuhuna-huna - deeply absorbed in thought; thinking
Nanmumurutos-putos - having goosebumps
Nanay - mother
Nano - what
Napulo - ten
Napunitan - had a miscarriage
Napurakan - had a miscarriage
Naririmadima - to feel "yucky"
Nariringa - restless
Nars - nurse
Nasarang - to give a wrong answer
Nasarit - to ask permission
Nasingarug - one who behaves, acts, and thinks like an old person
Nasisina - angry; mad
Nasud - country
Nasusubo - sad
Natatanglay - tired
Natig-luya - getting weaker and weaker
Natugbos - in a standing position
Naudog - stiff
Nautog - having an erection
Nauuyam - bored
Niyan - later
Nuka - skin disease
Nuos - squid
Ngadi - here
Ngahab - somebody with missing front teeth
Ngain - where
Nganga - to open one's mouth
Ngaran - name
Ngarub - hoarse voice
Ngadto - there
Ngula - mute
Nguynguy - wail; to wail
Ohataw - soup bowl
Oo - yes
Olot - monkey
Paa - thigh
Padag - one who doesn't know how to dance
Padayon - continue
Padi - priest
Pagal-pagal - dead tired
Pag-ani - to harvest
Pag-antos - suffering
Pag-aro - to ask a favor; to ask for something
Pag-ataman - to take care of something or somebody
Pagbahin-bahin - to divide
Pagbanti - to till the land
Pagdalus - to uproot or to clear weeds using purang
Pagdatung - arrival
Pagdugang - to add
Pagduso - to push
Paggikan - departure
Paghimo - to create; to make
Paghinay - take care
Paghunahuna - to think
Pag-iban - to subtract
Pag-ihap - to count
Pagkabahin-bahin - division
Pagkahulog - to fall
Pagkalipay - happiness
Pagkamingaw - homesickness
Pagkapalindas - to trip and fall
Pagkapakulob - to trip and fall face down
Pagkaon - food
Pagkasubo - sadness
Pagkatangkud - honesty; faithfulness
Pagkaumaw - senility
Pagkawakay - destruction
Pagkiwa - to move
Paglata - to speak
Paglaum - hope
Paglimot - to forget
Pagmaan - to learn a lesson the hard way
Pagmangno - to nurture
Pagnguynguy - cries (n.)
Pagpara - to delete; to erase
Pagparong - to turn off the lights
Pagpulod - to fell a tree
Pagpunit - to have an abortion
Pagpurak - to have an abortion
Pagrabas - to cut tall grasses
Pagragas - to destroy something
Pagsagdon - to advise
Pagsubaw - to have a proposal; to propose
Pagtapod - trust; to trust
Pagtirok - to save money
Pagtoo - faith
Pagtulang - to push
Pag-ukad - to dig
Pag-uma - farming
Pag-ungara - to desire something
Pag-utod - to break something into two
Pagwakay - to destroy
Pahumot - perfume
Pahuway - rest; to rest
Paisan-isan - contest
Pakadi - come here
Pakadto - go there
Palad - palm
Palad - fate; destiny
Palakin-on - lesbian
Palingki - crazy
Palit - to buy
Pamahaw - breakfast
Pananglitan - for example
Pamati (1) - to listen
Pamati (2) - how a person feels, e.g., How are you feeling today?
Pan-girabo - to have goosebumps
Pangadye - prayer; to pray
Pangandiis - dimple
Panganuron - skies; sky
Pangawat - to rob
Pangiklop - supper
Panginadaw - lunch
Panginahanglan - needs
Panginano - to attend to something or someone
Pangipa - strange food cravings during pregnancy
Pangisda - fishing
Pangiwakiwa - to do something in order to accomplish a goal
Pangutan - to harvest vegetables
Pangutana - question; to ask a question
Pangutan-an - to ask a question
Panit - skin
Pantalan - wharf
Pantog - bladder
Panulay - devil
Panyo - handkerchief
Parag-arot - barber; one who gives a haircut
Paragburog - barber; one who gives a haircut
Paragluto - cook
Paragpatay - butcher
Paragtahi - dressmaker; tailor
Parag-uma - farmer
Parapangisda - fisherfolk
Parigo - to take a bath; to take a shower
Parong - lights off
Pasakay - rice field
Pasi - piglet
Patay - dead
Patigoon - riddle
Pating - shark
Patud - cousin
Paun - bait
Payatak - to stomp the feet on paddies to make the latter ready for planting
Payong - umbrella
Petrolyo - gas
Piksi - torn
Pikoy - parrot
Pilak - to throw away
Pili - black (stress on the second syllable)
Pili - to choose (stress on the first syllable)
Pilo - to fold
Piguot - narrow
Piniliay - election
Pinirit - forced
Pinggan - plate
Pingkot - safety pin
Pinunyos - sweater
Pinutos - something wrapped
Pira - how much; how many
Piraw - without sleep or the condition of having lack of sleep
Pirdido - loser
Pirit - forced
Pitad - to raise one foot and put it down in another spot
Platito - saucer
Plete - rent
Pinaray - plenty of harvest
Pinit - lizard
Pinya - lover; common-law wife/husband
Piruk - eyelash
Pitaka - wallet
Pito - seven
Piyapig - flat
Piyos - uncircumcised
Piyung or piyong - to close one's eyes
Polo - the handle of a bolo or a knife
Potoy/ putoy - penis (for small or young boys)
Puday or poday - female genitalia (for mature women)
Pulis - police
Punda - pillow case
Pundir - busted fluorescent tube or bulb
Punggod - pimple
Pungkay - top of a tree
Punsyon - party
Purang - a bolo with a round end; used for clearing bushes or for cutting heavy ground cover
Purdoy - bankrupt
Purot - to pick up something (pick up a book)
Pursiras - bracelet
Purtahan - door
Puruton - sea shells
Pusa - to wash one's feet
Pusta - bet; to bet
Pusil - gun
Pusil-pusil - toy gun
Pusit - unripe
Pustiso - dentures
Puthaw - iron; steel
Puto - bankrupt
Puto - a type of rice cake
Putos - wrapper
Puyet - female genitalia (for girls)
Rabhit - to sweep
Ragas - the condition of being destroyed
Rapadapa - sole (foot)
Rasa - the quality of being delicious
Rayna - queen
Raysang - nail (pointed piece of metal)
Ribang - to argue
Ribok - chaos
Rigna - waste
Rigsok - waste
Ruto - mourning
Pangutana - question; to ask a question
Pangutan-an - to ask a question
Panit - skin
Pantalan - wharf
Pantog - bladder
Panulay - devil
Panyo - handkerchief
Parag-arot - barber; one who gives a haircut
Paragburog - barber; one who gives a haircut
Paragluto - cook
Paragpatay - butcher
Paragtahi - dressmaker; tailor
Parag-uma - farmer
Parapangisda - fisherfolk
Parigo - to take a bath; to take a shower
Parong - lights off
Pasakay - rice field
Pasi - piglet
Patay - dead
Patigoon - riddle
Pating - shark
Patud - cousin
Paun - bait
Payatak - to stomp the feet on paddies to make the latter ready for planting
Payong - umbrella
Petrolyo - gas
Piksi - torn
Pikoy - parrot
Pilak - to throw away
Pili - black (stress on the second syllable)
Pili - to choose (stress on the first syllable)
Pilo - to fold
Piguot - narrow
Piniliay - election
Pinirit - forced
Pinggan - plate
Pingkot - safety pin
Pinunyos - sweater
Pinutos - something wrapped
Pira - how much; how many
Piraw - without sleep or the condition of having lack of sleep
Pirdido - loser
Pirit - forced
Pitad - to raise one foot and put it down in another spot
Platito - saucer
Plete - rent
Pinaray - plenty of harvest
Pinit - lizard
Pinya - lover; common-law wife/husband
Piruk - eyelash
Pitaka - wallet
Pito - seven
Piyapig - flat
Piyos - uncircumcised
Piyung or piyong - to close one's eyes
Polo - the handle of a bolo or a knife
Potoy/ putoy - penis (for small or young boys)
Puday or poday - female genitalia (for mature women)
Pulis - police
Punda - pillow case
Pundir - busted fluorescent tube or bulb
Punggod - pimple
Pungkay - top of a tree
Punsyon - party
Purang - a bolo with a round end; used for clearing bushes or for cutting heavy ground cover
Purdoy - bankrupt
Purot - to pick up something (pick up a book)
Pursiras - bracelet
Purtahan - door
Puruton - sea shells
Pusa - to wash one's feet
Pusta - bet; to bet
Pusil - gun
Pusil-pusil - toy gun
Pusit - unripe
Pustiso - dentures
Puthaw - iron; steel
Puto - bankrupt
Puto - a type of rice cake
Putos - wrapper
Puyet - female genitalia (for girls)
Rabhit - to sweep
Ragas - the condition of being destroyed
Rapadapa - sole (foot)
Rasa - the quality of being delicious
Rayna - queen
Raysang - nail (pointed piece of metal)
Ribang - to argue
Ribok - chaos
Rigna - waste
Rigsok - waste
Ruto - mourning
Sabaw - soup
Sabon - soap
Sabot - to understand
Sadto - distant past; a long time ago
Sagdon - advice
Saging - banana
Sagpon - conceiving; pregnant
Saka - to come up the house; to go upstairs
Sakada - to purchase in bulk
Sakayan - boat
Sakit - ailment
Sala (1) - sin
Sala (2) - living room
Sala (3) - mistake
Salamat - thanks; thank you
Salapid - to braid hair
Salbahis - cruel; savage; bad; mischievous
Salida - having many customers or buyers
Salin-urog - to celebrate
Salipod - to block one's view
Saliwan - to exchange or to trade places
Saliwni - to instruct somebody to replace something, e.g., an item for another item
Salog - river (stress on the first syllable)
Salog - floor (stress on the second syllable)
Samad - wound
Samtang - meanwhile; while
Sanga - branch
Sangdal - physical fight between two women
Sangkay - friend
Sangod - lucky charm; magic charm
San-o - when
Sarakyan - vehicle
Saribo - to water a plant
Saringsing - to begin to grow; a newly grown bud or shoot
Sarutso - hand saw
Sarwal - pants
Saya - skirt
Sayaw - a dance number; to dance
Sayo - one
Semente - tea
Sibuyas - onion
Sighot - weeds
Siki - foot
Siko - elbow
Sil-ing - to peep; to peek
Silot - young coconut fruit
Sinaka - past tense of saka
Sinalapid - braided hair
Sinapot - fried bananas with flour and sugar; banana fritters
Sinemana - weekly
Singbahan - church
Sin-o - who
Sinsilyo - coins
Sipit - slippers
Siplat - glance
Sip-on - nose mucus
Sira - they
Sista - guitar
Sitio - a village smaller than a barrio
Siud - shame
Siwo - chick (a young chicken)
Siya - he/she
Siyahan - first
Siyam - nine
Siyudad - city
Sobra - excess
Subad-subad - repeating the same activity
Subaw - to propose
Sudang - sun
Sudlay - comb
Sudlot - bed bug
Sugbong - shoulder
Suga - to imitate something or somebody
Suhag - eldest
Suka (1) - vomit; to vomit
Suka (2) - vinegar
Suksok - insert
Sumpay - continuation
Sumsuman - finger food usually eaten when drinking liquor
Sundalo - soldier
Sungo - firewood
Sungpit - slingshot
Surat - v. to write; n. letter
Suri - to jest
Surit - to start a fire with a match
Suso - breast
Sweldo - salary
Sabaw - soup
Sabon - soap
Sabot - to understand
Sadto - distant past; a long time ago
Sagdon - advice
Saging - banana
Sagpon - conceiving; pregnant
Saka - to come up the house; to go upstairs
Sakada - to purchase in bulk
Sakayan - boat
Sakit - ailment
Sala (1) - sin
Sala (2) - living room
Sala (3) - mistake
Salamat - thanks; thank you
Salapid - to braid hair
Salbahis - cruel; savage; bad; mischievous
Salida - having many customers or buyers
Salin-urog - to celebrate
Salipod - to block one's view
Saliwan - to exchange or to trade places
Saliwni - to instruct somebody to replace something, e.g., an item for another item
Salog - river (stress on the first syllable)
Salog - floor (stress on the second syllable)
Samad - wound
Samtang - meanwhile; while
Sanga - branch
Sangdal - physical fight between two women
Sangkay - friend
Sangod - lucky charm; magic charm
San-o - when
Sarakyan - vehicle
Saribo - to water a plant
Saringsing - to begin to grow; a newly grown bud or shoot
Sarutso - hand saw
Sarwal - pants
Saya - skirt
Sayaw - a dance number; to dance
Sayo - one
Semente - tea
Sibuyas - onion
Sighot - weeds
Siki - foot
Siko - elbow
Sil-ing - to peep; to peek
Silot - young coconut fruit
Sinaka - past tense of saka
Sinalapid - braided hair
Sinapot - fried bananas with flour and sugar; banana fritters
Sinemana - weekly
Singbahan - church
Sin-o - who
Sinsilyo - coins
Sipit - slippers
Siplat - glance
Sip-on - nose mucus
Sira - they
Sista - guitar
Sitio - a village smaller than a barrio
Siud - shame
Siwo - chick (a young chicken)
Siya - he/she
Siyahan - first
Siyam - nine
Siyudad - city
Sobra - excess
Subad-subad - repeating the same activity
Subaw - to propose
Sudang - sun
Sudlay - comb
Sudlot - bed bug
Sugbong - shoulder
Suga - to imitate something or somebody
Suhag - eldest
Suka (1) - vomit; to vomit
Suka (2) - vinegar
Suksok - insert
Sumpay - continuation
Sumsuman - finger food usually eaten when drinking liquor
Sundalo - soldier
Sungo - firewood
Sungpit - slingshot
Surat - v. to write; n. letter
Suri - to jest
Surit - to start a fire with a match
Suso - breast
Sweldo - salary
Syapa - first
Tabok - to cross the road; to cross the river
Tabok - across the street; across the river
Tae - feces
Tadi - to taste
Tadtaran - chopping board
Tadung - straight
Tagdasan - daily house wear
Tagpira - how much
Tagumata - sore eyes (conjunctivitis)
Tagyaon - owner
Tahod - to respect
Takgung - belt
Talagsa - irregular; rare
Talais - pointed
Talibong - to turn around
Talinga - ear
Tambak - plenty
Tamban - dried fish
Tamok - to be able to choose the right answer through trial and error
Tamsi - bird
Tandos - straight
Tango - tooth
Tangkal - pig pen
Tangkub - ear piercing
Tangkud - honest; faithful
Tanglad - lemon grass
Tanom - plant
Tanaman - ornamental plant
Tan-aw - to watch
Tangis - cry; to cry
Tangpos - finished
Tapal - to slap
Taplak - blanket
Taplong - to slap
Tariti - drizzle
Taron - eggplant
Taruhakhak - loud laugh
Tarumbak - stomping of feet with force to show anger
Tatsi - sexual intercourse
Tawa - laughter; to laugh
Tawo - person; human being
Tayud - lean meat
Tiagi - footstep
Tigasaw - ant
Tigaman - marker
Tigda - abrupt; sudden
Tigo - to guess
Tigotigo - hypothesis
Tima (1) - finished; done
Tima (2) - food served in a party
Tinai - intestine
Tinapay - bread
Tinatanglay - tired
Tindahan - store
Tinidor - fork
Tinikangan - beginning
Tinuig - yearly
Tinggil - clitoris
Tingug or tingog - voice
Tipatay (1) - weakling
Tipatay (2) - about to kill somebody
Tipdas - measles
Tiyan - stomach
Too - right (as in right hand)
Toyo - soy sauce
Trabahador - laborer
Troso - timber
Tsismis - gossip
Tsismosa/tsismoso - one who gossips
Tualya - towel
Tuba - coconut wine
Tubal - to spank
Tubig - water
Tubo - interest
Tubo - sugarcane
Tubo - growth
Tubong (1) - to feed
Tubong (2) - animal feeds
Tudlo - index finger (mga tudlo - fingers)
Tugbos - to stand
Tugon - to instruct; instructions
Tug-on - to cook rice
Tuhod - knee
Tuig - year
Tukal - to stay away from
Tukba - a word derived from tukob; a command which means "bite"
Tuko (1) - to stop
Tuko (2) - gecko
Tukob - to bite
Tuktugaok - the crow of a rooster
Tul-an - bone
Tulay - bridge
Tabok - to cross the road; to cross the river
Tabok - across the street; across the river
Tae - feces
Tadi - to taste
Tadtaran - chopping board
Tadung - straight
Tagdasan - daily house wear
Tagpira - how much
Tagumata - sore eyes (conjunctivitis)
Tagyaon - owner
Tahod - to respect
Takgung - belt
Talagsa - irregular; rare
Talais - pointed
Talibong - to turn around
Talinga - ear
Tambak - plenty
Tamban - dried fish
Tamok - to be able to choose the right answer through trial and error
Tamsi - bird
Tandos - straight
Tango - tooth
Tangkal - pig pen
Tangkub - ear piercing
Tangkud - honest; faithful
Tanglad - lemon grass
Tanom - plant
Tanaman - ornamental plant
Tan-aw - to watch
Tangis - cry; to cry
Tangpos - finished
Tapal - to slap
Taplak - blanket
Taplong - to slap
Tariti - drizzle
Taron - eggplant
Taruhakhak - loud laugh
Tarumbak - stomping of feet with force to show anger
Tatsi - sexual intercourse
Tawa - laughter; to laugh
Tawo - person; human being
Tayud - lean meat
Tiagi - footstep
Tigasaw - ant
Tigaman - marker
Tigda - abrupt; sudden
Tigo - to guess
Tigotigo - hypothesis
Tima (1) - finished; done
Tima (2) - food served in a party
Tinai - intestine
Tinapay - bread
Tinatanglay - tired
Tindahan - store
Tinidor - fork
Tinikangan - beginning
Tinuig - yearly
Tinggil - clitoris
Tingug or tingog - voice
Tipatay (1) - weakling
Tipatay (2) - about to kill somebody
Tipdas - measles
Tiyan - stomach
Too - right (as in right hand)
Toyo - soy sauce
Trabahador - laborer
Troso - timber
Tsismis - gossip
Tsismosa/tsismoso - one who gossips
Tualya - towel
Tuba - coconut wine
Tubal - to spank
Tubig - water
Tubo - interest
Tubo - sugarcane
Tubo - growth
Tubong (1) - to feed
Tubong (2) - animal feeds
Tudlo - index finger (mga tudlo - fingers)
Tugbos - to stand
Tugon - to instruct; instructions
Tug-on - to cook rice
Tuhod - knee
Tuig - year
Tukal - to stay away from
Tukba - a word derived from tukob; a command which means "bite"
Tuko (1) - to stop
Tuko (2) - gecko
Tukob - to bite
Tuktugaok - the crow of a rooster
Tul-an - bone
Tulay - bridge
Tulin - clan; family
Tulo - three
Tulon - to swallow
Tumaragko - thumb
Tuna - land
Tuno - coconut milk
Tunog - sound
Tuod - believe
Tupra - to spit
Turi - circumcised
Turok - to inject with a needle
Tustos - to smoke a cigarette
Tutdo - to point to a certain direction or to teach
Tuwad - upside down
Tuyang - to allow; to give permission
Tuyaw - foolish
Tuyob - cavity
Udog - stiff
Ugangan - mother-in-law/father-in-law
Ugat - vein
Uging - intestinal worm
Ugnat - to stretch
Ukad - to dig
Ukig (N. Samar) or Ikug (Other parts of Samar and Leyte) - tail
Ulalahipan - centipede
Ulang - thread
Ulat - scar
Uli - to go home
Ulitawo - an unmarried guy
Ulo - head
Ulunan - pillow
Uma - farm; countryside
Umagad nga babaye - daughter-in-law
Umagad nga lalaki - son-in-law
Umagak - hen
Umangkon nga babaye - niece
Umangkon nga lalaki - nephew
Una - first
Unabi - to mention something
Unom - six
Ungara - goal; dream; ambition; desire
Ungod - true; real
Upa - rice husk
Upat - four
Ura-ura - very
Urag - lust
Uragan - lustful
Uran - rain
Urihi - last
Uring - charcoal
Uro or oro - to defecate; make a bowel movement
Uro-awto - toy car
Uro-uro - diarrhea
Uso - fad
Utan or otan - vegetable
Utang - debt
Utang nga kaburot-on - debt of gratitude
Utod - half
Utog - erection
Utot - fart
Uyag - to play
Uyagan - toy
Uyas - seed
Wakay - destroyed; ruined
Wala - left
Walo - eight
Wara - none/nothing
Warak - spread; scattered
Waray - none/nothing
Waray buot - innocent
Waray busok - innocent
Waring - to move a heavy object
Wati - earthworm
Yadi - here (ex. Here it is.)
Yadto - there (ex. There is my mother.)
Yakan (regular Waray) - to speak
Yaman - wealth
Yana - now
Yaon - has/have/had
Yatot - rat
Yawa - devil
Yupyupan - nipple
Tulo - three
Tulon - to swallow
Tumaragko - thumb
Tuna - land
Tuno - coconut milk
Tunog - sound
Tuod - believe
Tupra - to spit
Turi - circumcised
Turok - to inject with a needle
Tustos - to smoke a cigarette
Tutdo - to point to a certain direction or to teach
Tuwad - upside down
Tuyang - to allow; to give permission
Tuyaw - foolish
Tuyob - cavity
Udog - stiff
Ugangan - mother-in-law/father-in-law
Ugat - vein
Uging - intestinal worm
Ugnat - to stretch
Ukad - to dig
Ukig (N. Samar) or Ikug (Other parts of Samar and Leyte) - tail
Ulalahipan - centipede
Ulang - thread
Ulat - scar
Uli - to go home
Ulitawo - an unmarried guy
Ulo - head
Ulunan - pillow
Uma - farm; countryside
Umagad nga babaye - daughter-in-law
Umagad nga lalaki - son-in-law
Umagak - hen
Umangkon nga babaye - niece
Umangkon nga lalaki - nephew
Una - first
Unabi - to mention something
Unom - six
Ungara - goal; dream; ambition; desire
Ungod - true; real
Upa - rice husk
Upat - four
Ura-ura - very
Urag - lust
Uragan - lustful
Uran - rain
Urihi - last
Uring - charcoal
Uro or oro - to defecate; make a bowel movement
Uro-awto - toy car
Uro-uro - diarrhea
Uso - fad
Utan or otan - vegetable
Utang - debt
Utang nga kaburot-on - debt of gratitude
Utod - half
Utog - erection
Utot - fart
Uyag - to play
Uyagan - toy
Uyas - seed
Wakay - destroyed; ruined
Wala - left
Walo - eight
Wara - none/nothing
Warak - spread; scattered
Waray - none/nothing
Waray buot - innocent
Waray busok - innocent
Waring - to move a heavy object
Wati - earthworm
Yadi - here (ex. Here it is.)
Yadto - there (ex. There is my mother.)
Yakan (regular Waray) - to speak
Yaman - wealth
Yana - now
Yaon - has/have/had
Yatot - rat
Yawa - devil
Yupyupan - nipple
This is so great Doray! Naghuhuna-huna pala ak hine nga Waray-waray dictionary & medyo nag-discussion pa gani kami hin guti ha FB mahitungod hine. I really think that we need an official & comprehensive nga dictionary para han tanan nga Waray-waray words kay labot la nga waray gud klaro nga references out there, I fear for the next generation kay bangin waray na hira mahibaruan nga mga Waray-waray words kundi an mga corrupted versions nala (and I admit, I'm also a victim of that for the lack of use of the language ha akon part). Kudos & keep up the good work Doray! I will try to contribute some words every now and then. Damo nga salamat for what you do... Regards sangkay. =)
ReplyDeleteHi.. Could you please translate this words in waray?
Delete___ Dire nauukoy.
Diri nauukoy. - Hindi mapakali. Restless.
DeleteHi po. Patulong po. Pakitranslate po ito, “bngn, not sure. Kay di pa turog tak uyab masumo.”
DeleteSalamat liwat Mara. Creating an online Waray dictionary has always been part of my plan for Warayblogger.com. I can only justify the site's name by contributing something about the Waray language and culture. I just hope that if and when that comprehensive list of Waray words will be published, the Norte-Samarnon Waray will have its own place. Salamat sa pagbisita, sangkay.
ReplyDeleteSalute to you for composing this list. Trust it is very helpful to many people. Well-done.
ReplyDeleteGreat work! You gave some ideas on how to write simple yet useful & comprehensive content for blog.
ReplyDeleteYou told you speak Waray, but I don't find the word Salamat or Sangkay in the above list. Are these two words generic and well-known so you skipped?
Thanks Raju for bringing it to my attention. How come I failed to see them? Will include the two words right away.
ReplyDelete@LCM Linda Thanks for being one of the regular "commenters" of this blog.
ReplyDeletepwede po magpaTranslate? anu po yung meaning ng "AK LUOY YUMO DAW". thanks po. paki-email na lang po sa akin. jerameel29@gmail.com or jerameel29@yahoo.com
ReplyDelete@mel29 Email sent. Thanks for the visit. :-)
ReplyDeletehi.. pwede po patranslate nito,
ReplyDeleteanu mn unta? yw na pgpnangmustaha he wra k man ngani pkialam. mala tkang pmn hdto. kta dko an bata mla d mo mn naippkta im pagkaamay. pa-email na lang po sa rewhan_21@yahoo.com
thank you so much. :)
Good day!
ReplyDeleteI would appreciate it very much if
you could please translate the following sentence in English:
"oi te sabel myda man ngayan, cring mo waray :)"
Thank you very much.
Have a good day.
Best regards, John
@John Carrasco
ReplyDeleteHere's the loose translation of the sentence:
"oi te sabel myda man ngayan, cring mo waray :)" (Uy, Ate Sabel, mayda man ngay-an. Siring mo, waray.)
"Ate Sabel, there is (money, a message, rice, etc.). You just told me, there was nothing (or you had nothing)."
hi mam patranslate naman po nito..
ReplyDelete"yaw khulop dire it hibabaro tikang sa ak."
thank you so much. :)
@Marie Geraldo
ReplyDeleteI'm giving you two sets of sentences because it can mean two things.
"Don't worry, he/she won't learn from me."
"Don't worry, he/she won't know about it because I won't tell him/her."
eto din po patranslate..
ReplyDelete"pho gud nga dre urog ky adto knda nany,pro ky ra kmn ngani nhhmo nmnla bsan mn kunta wra spprt tkng haim hn m pmlya ra nmnla ha iu nsbsta sa bta tkng hdto hasta pa yna subra ak llngoton haim dre ko igddrot an bta kn kw msmo ngppkta ka ngaintrsdo ka sa bta pro wra mn mla tkng pmn hadto."
maraming salamat po.. :)
@Marie Geraldo
ReplyDeleteI will just give you a general idea about this sentence: it has something to do with parental responsibility. I will not go into details as I want to respect the privacy of the person who sent this text message. Have a good day.
can i have your e-mail ma'am? i really need to know it's meaning.. thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteHello @Marie
ReplyDeletePlease use the contact form of this blog (top bar button). Your message will be directly sent to my inbox. Be sure to put your email address. Thanks.
please translate it in waray dialect thank you.
ReplyDeleteParable of a pencil
The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box.
"There are 5 things you need to know," he told the pencil, "Before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be."
"One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in Someone's hand."
"Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you'll need it to become a better pencil."
"Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make."
"Four: The most important part of you will always be what's inside."
"And Five: On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write."
The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in its heart.
Help please translate this in tagalog so anu karag kalimtanay nla ine. Wry na karag paabat. Buhi ka pa nean. Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteOh ano ka kali kalimutan nalang eto. Wala ng paki ramdaman.buhay kapa! mamaya
DeleteYan ang ibig sabihin sa tagaloh
Hello pwede po bang itranslate ito sa tagalog? "kalalangot manlat sine sugad na ay pag pinaki upod saak kay masusul'an kala sak ugali, ikaw man gen susuksok mo im sarili saak -_- haha:D"
ReplyDeleteanay is probably wait or to wait or giving a second 😂, still,funny yet helpful ☺
ReplyDeleteTsk! Kaupay pag lapatong nga mahinumdom hea nga myda nagkukuri!!
ReplyDeletegrAve na ilob la hea.. Grrr!
please translate po... thanks!
Alam kong late na to pero let me translate this.
DeleteTsk! Ang sarap niya sampalin (or basta bugbog, depende sa context) nang maalala niyang may naghihirap
Grabe natitiis lang niya grr😂
Ano po ibg sbhin ng 'naawod gd ak ngada, ky bngin ano macrng asawa?
DeleteNahihiya ako dyan kasi baka sabihin na asawa
DeleteAno po ibig sabihin ng "Siya man hubya gihap Dre napaipagharamis"?
Deleteano po ibig sabihn ng "sya man hubya gihap Dre napaipagharamis?
DeleteNaaawod gad ak ngada kay bangin ano masiring asawa.
DeleteNahihiya ako diyan kasi baka kung ano ang masabi ng asawa.
Siya man hubya gihap. Diri napaipagharamis.
DeleteTamad din siya. Ayaw maglinis.
Pa translate po"Diba meada mo adi "
DeleteThank you.
"Diba meada mo adi"
Delete"Diba meron ka nito"
anu it waray waray it iCe ?? please answer me !!
ReplyDeletePa translate po nito
ReplyDeleteHahaha ada udog ito; dila nagsusumat... Igsumat na ito.
Thanks po
Dahil election period na.. Ano po waray-waray translations ng vote, to vote for/ to vote
ReplyDeleteTy po
bali man eto sugad kadako it gastos aw ikaw ada la eto haim basta tak yakan haimo tim anak lalaki padara kaman eto
ReplyDeletepa translater po previous post ko.. thank you
ReplyDeletePara namang ganyan kalaki ang gastos ah nasa iyo na yan basta ang sabi ko sayo lalaki ang anak mo naniwala ka naman sa kanya
@mary joy porqueriño
ReplyDeleteHahaha ada udog ito; dila nagsusumat... Igsumat na ito.
Hahaha nandyan yan; hindi lang sinasabi... sabihin mo na yan.
ReplyDeleteHi po, pwede po pa translate? may meaning po ba ang out-of-context sa waray? email nala po sa rcamit11@gmail.com Thanks!
@Ronald Amit It'll be "Waray ha konteksto".
ReplyDeleteDiri asya it im gin siring ha ira pucha na manunulay ka! - can you translate this?
ReplyDeletePatranslate po.. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteBisan ano ano lah,,an ginsumat nga issue piro diri ako maapektohan at diri kola pansinon kai diri man ito tinuud nga issue..nag sorry liwat ako bisan diri nakon sala para waray gobot,,an pagkatinood lah,,masuko ba ako kun waray..hiya ginbuhat ha akon nga sala ...amo lah ito damo nga salamat ha iyo nga tanan!!!!
Hello puede po pa translate. Thank you
ReplyDeleteHow do people relate to a town?
Why is a deeper appreciation of our land forms important?
Are constrained lands necessarily non-productive lands?
How do we treat traditional land use lands and now danger zones?
Salamat po
Good day po! Pwede po ba malaman ang translation po ng " may ginpagikan at tisulod ".Salamat po
ReplyDeletemay pinalabas at pinapasok
DeleteGood day! I would like to ask for a few translations of english words to waray. I'm using it for my thesis. Can you translate po words like vacation, visit, travel, welcome, and other words maybe that is connected to travelling and vacation. Thank you very much!
ReplyDeletevacation - bakasyon
Deletevisit - bisita
travel - byahe
welcome - dayon
Hi! Waraynon ako pero hindi ko alam ang saktong ibigsabihin ng "Padayaw". Ano po ba ang tamang meaning ng salitang 'yon? Ginagamit ko at naiintindihan ko pero nahihirapan akong mag-isip ng synonym niya sa tagalog.
ReplyDeletePadayaw or parayaw ay pagpapasikat. Sa Norte nanliligaw ka kung napadayaw.
DeleteHi! Waraynon ako pero hindi ko alam ang saktong ibigsabihin ng "Padayaw". Ano po ba ang tamang meaning ng salitang 'yon? Ginagamit ko at naiintindihan ko pero nahihirapan akong mag-isip ng synonym niya sa tagalog.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat does alangan kman it yna page hilaon mean?
ReplyDeleteWhat does alangan kman it yna page hilaon mean?
ReplyDeleteAnong HUSAY sa waray?
ReplyDeleteAno po ibig sabihin ng "liyasa"
ReplyDelete"Balit", "gadla" & "ou gad"?
Wala po kasi sa words listed. Need to know the meanings please. Thank you
gadla-lang naman(sentence)
DeleteAno po Sa waray ANG pangarap ko ANG makapagtapos
DeleteHi po, anong ibig sabihin ng 'Sabal'??? Someone mentioned it and it seemed she was teasing another person. Thanks
ReplyDelete@sheilaver saladaga
ReplyDeleteDo you mean, 'Saba'? We say 'Saba' (shorter version of 'ayaw'g saba')when we want the other person to be quiet or to not say anything. For example, we want the teasing to stop.
Saba is tahimik po or tumahimik
Deletemeaning of "madunggot" please. thank you
ReplyDeleteHi ! what does Tikaon, pipinsar,kuligay,gadla mean in tagalog. Salamat!
ReplyDeletePlease help, patranslate naman po
ReplyDeleteHala mana, ay paghunahuna nga importante ka ha ak kinabuhi. Imuha ito nga im uyab nga ginkasumhan ko na. �� Iroy. Hahaha
Agi iton nga paglibabitig!
ReplyDeletePaki translate po. Salamat po
ReplyDeleteAgi iton nga paglibabitig! (paglinabitig)
Hay naku yang kalandian...
(this is about flirting)
Please translate the following:
ReplyDeleteSgde it hi imaw
Hi, It will be such a great help if you may translate this:
ReplyDelete"Ayw gudla anay niyo sundi para kn mktarabaho na sya dri na makuri bayaan ky dako na. Prmi k mn liwat wry sanglit dri problema ky wry serbihan ky ada mn iya mama."
Thank You so much. Thank you for your blog site.
ReplyDeleteSgde it hi imaw (sagdi it hi imaw/ pasagdi it hi imaw)
Pabayaan mo si imaw./huwag mong pansinin.
ReplyDelete"Ayw gudla anay niyo sundi para kn mktarabaho na sya dri na makuri bayaan ky dako na. Prmi k mn liwat wry sanglit dri problema ky wry serbihan ky ada mn iya mama."
"Huwag niyo munang sundan para kung makatrabaho na siya hindi na mahirap iwan dahil malaki na. Palagi ka rin namang wala kaya hindi problema dahil wala namang sisilbihan dahil nandyan ang kanyang mama/nanay."
ReplyDeleteHala mana, ay paghunahuna nga importante ka ha ak kinabuhi. Imuha ito nga im uyab nga ginkasumhan ko na. �� Iroy. Hahaha
Sige ate, huwag mong isipin na mahalaga ka sa aking buhay. Sa iyo na ang nobyo/nobya mo na pinagsawaan ko na.
ReplyDelete"Hi ! what does Tikaon, pipinsar,kuligay,gadla mean in tagalog. Salamat!"
tikaon - kakain
pipinsar - mag-iisip/ iisip
gad la - lang naman
kuligay - (hindi ko po alam. nakikitranslate lang di po. hehe)
Hi good morning po :) Patranslate namn po ako nito "Ako at taga Samar at mahal ko ang wikang filipino." Salamat po ASAP! :)
ReplyDeleteHi good morning po :) Patranslate namn po ako nito "Ako at taga Samar at mahal ko ang wikang filipino." Salamat po ASAP! :)
Taga Samar ako ngan hinihigugma ko an pinulongan nga Filipino.
What does Mala naruruyag na gudman ak saim mean?
ReplyDeleteMala naruruyag na gudman ak saim
I think I'm beginning to like you.
pa translate po
ReplyDeletekamag aaringasahan hit ak mga urupod baga hin waray pag kita hin pira ka tuig
@Anonymous 9:47
ReplyDeletekamag aaringasahan hit ak mga urupod baga hin waray pag kita hin pira ka tuig
Ang iingay ng mga kasama parang hindi nagkita ng ilang taon.
Ata kianu.? Upai kpa trabaho tim gin kukurian. Hehe
ReplyDeletePatranslate po
Kay hi ako gad best.
ReplyDeletepa translate po
Kianu dre kpaman pamilyado.
ReplyDeleteHaha awh dre it makulba kay mda ka work ako ngan dre kinukulba bsan damo utang na wary trabaho.
patranslate po. thanks
ReplyDeleteAta kianu.? Upai kpa trabaho tim gin kukurian. Hehe
"Hala, bakit? Mabuti ka pa, sa trabaho nahihirapan."
ReplyDeleteKianu dre kpaman pamilyado.
Haha awh dre it makulba kay mda ka work ako ngan dre kinukulba bsan damo utang na wary trabaho.
"Bakit wala ka pang pamilya? Hindi yan nakakakaba dahil meron kang trabaho. Ako nga na walang trabaho hindi kinakabahan kahit maraming utang."
Thanks for the translate =)
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 7:13AM
ReplyDeleteWaray sapayan! :-)
mga birat hira hit ira mga iroy
ReplyDeletepa translate po :)
Hehe.. I am saying salamat sa pagtrranslate po :)
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 9:37
ReplyDeleteSabi ko, "walang anuman." :-)
mga birat hira hit ira mga iroy
"mga putang ina nila"
Saan parte ka po ng samar nakatira? I am so amaze with your translator blog site. It helps me a lot to understand them. :)
ReplyDeleteAh can you translate this for me please
ReplyDelete"Pag uyab na gd kamu ano MU la?"
"Gusto mo na kita tapos pirmi ako waray"
"Love ngan neu kada usa dapat waray paligoy-ligoy"
ReplyDelete"Pag uyab na gd kamu ano MU la?"
Magcommit na kayo sa isa’t-isa, bakit MU lang?
"Gusto mo na kita tapos pirmi ako waray"
Gusto mo na maging tayo tapos palagi akong wala.
"Love ngan neu kada usa dapat waray paligoy-ligoy"
Kung love ninyo ang bawat isa dapat walang paligoy-ligoy.
Hi, What does "talagomuta" or "talagamuta" mean?
ReplyDeleteAno po sa waray yung "Be honest with yourself. Don't be selfish."
ReplyDeletebirat kala hit m iroy
ReplyDeletepa translate po thanks. :)
@hear-me-whisper 12:03 AM
ReplyDeleteAno po sa waray yung "Be honest with yourself. Don't be selfish."
ayaw pag binuwa-e it im kalugaringon, ayaw pag kamaimot
kamusta ka, dolor?
ReplyDeletePatranslate po
Waray ko labot ha eyu pg inupod kamu,!.bsta utang mo bayaran mo.. Dire la kaw it lalaki dnhe kalibutan mabalik haem it m d maupay nga gnbuhat pghulat la..
ReplyDeletepatranslate po.. thanks!
Pa-translate po sa waray:
ReplyDeleteKung hindi mo kaya itigil.
Kelangan mo na tulong.
@Anonymous 2:23PM
ReplyDeleteWaray ko labot ha eyu pg inupod kamu,!.bsta utang mo bayaran mo.. Dire la kaw it lalaki dnhe kalibutan mabalik haem it m d maupay nga gnbuhat pghulat la..
Wala akong pakialam sa inyo, magsama kayo! Basta bayaran mo ang utang mo. Hindi lang ikaw ang lalaki dito sa mundo. Babalik sayo ang masamang ginawa mo. Hintayin mo lang.
@Anonymous 4:17 PM
ReplyDeleteKung hindi mo kaya itigil.
Kelangan mo na tulong.
Kun diri mo kaya ihunong, kinahanglan mo na hin bulig.
@Anonymous 9:16 AM
ReplyDeletebirat kala hit m iroy
equivalent po yan ng PI kapag nagmumura sa Tagalog.
Salamat po sa mga translation! :-)
ReplyDeleteAnuman m tuyo?
ReplyDeletepatranslate po. :)
Bakit kelangan mo pa tumawag sa akin?
ReplyDeletepatranslate din po sa waray?
ReplyDeleteAnuman m tuyo?
Ano'ng kailangan mo?
ReplyDeleteBakit kelangan mo pa tumawag sa akin?
Kay ano nga kinahanglan mo pa tumawag ha akon?
@Anonymous 9:36AM, Oct 15
ReplyDeletekamusta ka, dolor?
Kumusta ka, Dolor?
Ano po yung nala?
ReplyDelete@Tricia Gaspar
ReplyDelete"Ano po yung nala?"
Equivalent po yan ng "na lang" sa Tagalog.
Wag ka ng tatawag pa nag aaway lang kmi ng mahal ko! Salamat.
ReplyDeletePatranslate po sa waray. ty. :)
ay na gad sin ayil -- how to translate this?
ReplyDeleteWag ka ng tatawag pa nag aaway lang kmi ng mahal ko! Salamat.
Ayaw na tawag pa kay nag-aaway la kami hit' ak mahal!
ReplyDeleteay na gad sin ayil
huwag ka nang maingay.
Patranslate naman po..
ReplyDelete"Anim amotan"
ReplyDelete"Anim amotan"
Ang contribution mo.
(naniningil ito)
Salamat po. Ano po ba ang direct translation ng anim?
ReplyDelete"An imo" dapat, tapos short cut ang "an im."
Direct translation: ang iyo o ang iyong
Ano po tagalog neto, "ngan diri pa ak sa im makikiatobang ngon'a. Aila kahulop pwede mo pa man it mahuram."
ReplyDelete"ngan diri pa ak sa im makikiatobang ngon'a. Aila kahulop pwede mo pa man it mahuram."
At hindi na muna ako makikipagharap sayo (at hindi na muna kita haharapin). Huwag kang mag-alala, pwede mo pa namang mahiram iyan.
katapusan mapakadi, bisan lah yana ak amoti.
ReplyDeletebaa liwat.
patranslate nman po slamt :)
ReplyDeletekatapusan mapakadi, bisan lah yana ak amoti.
baa liwat.
Sa katapusan (ng buwan) paparito, kahit ngayon mo lang ako tulungan/ambagan.
(Iyong baa liwat, mahirap i-translate po. Expression lang po ito)
@Rhodora Bande
ReplyDeleteAte pa translate naman,
"Saba dinha oi"
Hindi ito winaray kundi binisaya. Huwag maingay dyan/Huminto ka sa pag-iingay/pagsasalita/pagmumura mo.
Sometimes it is better to be silent and cry alone. Pa translate po. Thanks
ReplyDeleteSometimes it is better to be silent and cry alone. Pa translate po. Thanks
Usahay mas maupay humuyo na la ngan magtuok nga nag-uusahan.
Nag-iinanano ka?
ReplyDeletePatranslate naman po sa Tagalog.
Nag-iinanano ka?
ReplyDeletePatranslate naman po sa Tagalog.
hi po i just want to ask po, what is the difference between "gin and guin" like gin didiri and or guin didiri? for educational purposes lang po. thank you
ReplyDeleteSa unang commenter, pareho lang po ang gin at guin as in gin-didiri at guin-didiri (meaning ipinagbabawal). Ang way ng spelling lang ang pagkakaiba. Yung guin na spelling, ginagamit ito sa mga old materials example: mga kanta sa church or novena. Pero ngayon, yung gin na ang ginagamit most of the time.
Need help, we need a song in Visayan...every lyrics should have a tagalog word
Waray-Waray, pirme may upay
Mayda lubi, mayda pa humay
Iton dagat damo it isda
Ha bungto han mga Waray.
Waray-Waray pirme malipay
Di makuri igkasarangkay
Nag-iinom kon nagkikita
Bas' kamingaw mawara!
Lugar han mga Waray-Waray
Kadto-a naton, pasyadaha
Diri birilngon an kalipay
Labi nga gud kon may fiesta.
Mga tawo nga Waray-Waray
Basta magkita, mayda upay
Diri kabos hit pakig-angay
Sayod kamo basta Waray.
¡Waray-Waray! (Waray-Waray kabuhi maupay)
¡Waray-Waray! (Damo iton lubi pati humay)
¡Waray-Waray! (It mga dagat riko hin isda)
Ha bungto han mga Waray!
¡Waray-Waray! (Waray-Waray pirme la malipay)
¡Waray-Waray! (Diri makuri igkasarangkay)
¡Waray-Waray! (Nag-iirignom kon nagkikita)
Bas' kamingaw mawara!
We also need the meaning of the song and its origin...for reporting...
Thank you for the help.
kun may ka surugaron sa amo sugara dre nga sa iba pa nga tawo ko hibabaroan ginchichismis pa in aga ade nmn kme. Ay kahulop ky babayaran eton nmo. ada na ngane sa im an kwarta dre kpa la ghap tnghan Pwede po patranslate?
ReplyDelete"Kung may sasabihin ka sa amin sabihin mo hindi yung sa ibang tao ko pa malalaman na pinagtsitsismisan umaga pa lang eh nandito naman kami. Huwag kang mag-alala dahil babayaran namin yan. Nandyan na nga sayo ang pera hindi ka pa makuntento."
bakit walng leteer 'C'..? pls answer
ReplyDeleteParang sa tagalog na rin yan eh, diba bibihira gamitin or wala nga atang 'c' sa tagalog eh
DeleteKasi ang words na letter C ang simula ay lumang spelling, ginagamit ng panahon pa ng mga Kastila or ng generation na pinanganak pre-world war 2.
DeleteMga pangalan ng lugar nalang ngayon ang nagsisimula sa letter C.
Letter K na ang gamit ngayon po.
Pls translate thanks
ReplyDeleteAmbut saem ha ! Balitaw digtoy an siki ... Ahahhaa
@Stewey Navy
ReplyDeleteAmbut saem ha! Balitaw digtoy an siki...Ahahaha
Whatever! She’s got skinny legs (or tiny feet)... Ahahah
@rogie paran
ReplyDeleteWala kasing mga salita sa Waray na nagsisimula sa letter C.
* Ambut saem ha ! Balitaw digtoy an siki ... Ahahhaa
ReplyDelete- Whatever! She’s got skinny legs (or tiny feet)... Ahahah
Tama po ba yan? And how do you know it's a she?
In tagalog nga po. Salamat.
Yagid dba sa catarman it na yakan...haha taga leyte kasi ako ....tapus ak uyab taga catarman....ginpakilala aq a iya mga sangkay na ako iya YAGID...dati di ko alam ibig sabihin ng YAGID kasi 'uyab' naman ginagamit namin mga taga leyte....
ReplyDeleteMay mga sangkay ko nga taga Catbalogan nga nagamit gihap hit yagid. Inggis, inggids, yagid, uyab, palalabs ==> papreho la iton. (^_^)
Hi what is nganga in waray?
ReplyDelete- muna yah. png chx to daun. haha
ReplyDelete-Yuga ddw y mn to chix hahhaha
-Y pa ta gani kasampa haa
-damu nada knu sa Singapore. sa my lucky plaza dw hahaha
-Hindi ko na bal an hahahaha
Pwede po patranslate in tagalog? Thanks so much
paano po sasabihin ito sa waray
ReplyDelete~inggit ka lang or inggit ka n naman
~sarap maging kabit
~ngsex kami knina
~ang pangit, ang taba mo at losyang ka na kasi
tnx po
Please translate po in tagalog. Thank you in advance. ��
ReplyDeleteAgi mg sasarit anu daraga liwat..pasaway k mate... binabati gdla hiya..waray p ak mka tara para mg sarit...
hi rhod, marisyo man ini. ipadayon la. ig notify ako kada nim may latest nga himangrawon.
ReplyDeleteano po sa waray ang inggit ka lang at ang taba mo
ReplyDeleteHi, rhod, what does "hubya kola hit" mean? Thanks
ReplyDeletePlease pa translate po itong mga tagalog words to waray...
Gabi - night
If someone message me: "psst usta?" what does that mean?
ReplyDeleteHey how are you?
DeleteMaraksut- ugly
ReplyDeleteMarisyo- fun (like it's fun here)
Matambok- fat
inggit ka lang - Naindig ka la.
ReplyDeleteang taba mo - Kataba mo! -> Norte
ang taba mo - Katatambok nimo!
ReplyDeleteNag-iinano ka? - Ano'ng ginagawa mo?
How do u say hemroids in waray
ReplyDeleteAno ha Tagalog an sabid ? Thanks
ReplyDeletePwedeng magtanong ano po ba ang waray ng Our topic for today is region 8
ReplyDeleteShall we start.
Are you with me
Thank you po!!!😀😅😅😀😀
Paki translate pi sa tagalog:
ReplyDeleteNagpipinan away ka na dama
Upan goodbye
Nang-aaway ka na naman. Goodbye.
DeleteDi ko po alam yung upan.
"Upan" ibig sabihin niyan ay "patulan"
DeletePero pwedeng gawing expression na "bahala ka diyan"
"Bahala ka diyan, goodbye"
Ano po ibig sabihin ng ginsusumhan? Salamat
ReplyDeleteNag sasawa
DeleteHemorrhoids in Waray: almoranas
ReplyDeleteano po yong "SABID"?
ReplyDeleteKarunungan at kaibigan, sa paaralan ito matatagpuan. Guro ang pangalawang magulang na siyang magtuturo at huhubog sa nasimulan ng mga magulang mula sa tahanan. Ang paaralan ang itinuturing na pangalawang tahanan. Ang bawat estudyante ay nagsisikap sa pag-aaral para sa kanilang mga pangarap. Ang mga kakayahan ng isang estudyante ay sa paaralan nililinang at dinidiskubre. Ang pagsibol ng isang bata na siyang magpapaunlad ng ekonomiya ay dito magmumula. Paaralan ay daan para sa magandang kinabukasan.
ReplyDeleteAko si Josh, walong taong gulang na mula sa Iwha. Masayahin ako na bata sa aming pamilya. Ako ay nag-aaral sa Calasanz sa ikatlong baitang. Dahil sa pagsisikap kong mag-aral hindi ako napagalitan ng mga magulang ko. Ako ay nakakuha ng mga mataas na marka sa ming paaralan. Gusto kong maging pulis balang araw. Masaya ako sa aking pag-aaral gayundin ang aking mga magulang.
DeleteWhy would you publish Northern Samar Waray-Waray and not "regular" Waray-Waray". I was trying to learn Waray-Waray and my wife told me that my vocabulary is from Samar. This is sooooo frustrating -- especially because there are no books or dictionaries on learning Waray-Waray like there are for Tagalog, which I also was trying to learn.
ReplyDeleteAko si Josh, walong taong gulang na mula sa Iwha. Masayahin ako na bata sa aming pamilya. Ako ay nag-aaral sa Calasanz sa ikatlong baitang. Dahil sa pagsisikap kong mag-aral hindi ako napagalitan ng mga magulang ko. Ako ay nakakuha ng mga mataas na marka sa ming paaralan. Gusto kong maging pulis balang araw. Masaya ako sa aking pag-aaral gayundin ang aking mga magulang.
ReplyDeletepwede po hingi ako tulong paki translate po sa waray .. malaking tulong po ito .. salamat po
Pede po patranslate
ReplyDelete"Nakalalagdaw an daraga ka upay"
Yan po ty
Nakagala ang dalaga, mabuti naman.
DeleteAno ang difference ng it at an sa Waray? Kase, kapag i-translate ko word by word, ang it ay short for ito or iton. Pero ginagamit ito to indicate the determiner "ang."
ReplyDeletePwede pa translate?
ReplyDeleteNatika hirayo kamanla
Parang papalayo ka nyan
DeleteIt's funny how this started as a dictionary and quickly turned into a translation service.
ReplyDeleteKaupay sini ma'am. Damo akon nahinumduman nga Waray terms nga nahingalimtan ko na. Gulpi ako kalipay yana. It's like reminiscing childhood memories. Salamat!
Ipa kala- inggit ka lang
ReplyDeleteKatambok nim- ang taba mo
Wag mo sabihin sa kanya nag chat tayo hindi naman alam niya fb password ko.
ReplyDeletePaki translate po
Huwag mong sabihin sa kanya na nagchat tayo diri man ngani hiya maaram hiton akon fb password.
DeleteAyaw pagsumat ha iya nga nagchat kita diri man ngani hiya maaram hiton akon fb password.
DeleteSorry po, ha ha ha. Nalito po ako kanina. Nakikitranslate lang din po.
Ano po english or tagalog ng Kuraramag.?
ReplyDeleteIto po yong may ilaw sa gabi na parang halaman
Need help.😞
Anu SA waray Ang "Anu sinabe mu "
ReplyDeleteano po sa waray yung "arog"..answer po pls..thanks
ReplyDelete"anu nim ginyakan"
ReplyDeletewhat did you say-ano ang sinabi mo
DeleteCan you translate this to tagalog?
ReplyDeleteAko lat kasi an nakukurian, bagan ako hit uwat.
Thank you 😊
ako lang ang nahihirapan parang akoy tanga
DeletePaki translate po Harun euman kamo sa binisaya ninyo ah. Tagaeaog baea. Abong wakae.
ReplyDeleteWhat does "kauyam na gad sa ungod la, kudi ato la" mean?
ReplyDeletenakakainis na daw kung pwede yun nalang yata ang ibig sabihin niyan
Deletepwedi po paki translate sa waray language ito
ReplyDelete"mag ingat ka sa mga sinasabi at ikinikilos mo"
thank you
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteAno po ang INUSIGAN?
ReplyDeleteAno po ba ibig sabihin nito:
ReplyDeletedire na nga gin aasis cge logod pandodog bali dire maaram pumalit sya god it waray awod
ReplyDeleteAno Po sa waray Ang maraming salamat sa tulog,saan ka mag aaral, luluwas ka ba Ng maynila?
ReplyDelete"Mali ka uwat. Karasa mo latak latakon. Maindan ko la ikaw. Manta" please help me to translate this to bisaya (Cebuano) or Tagalog