A Review of 5linkers.com

5linkers is a very effective traffic exchange site. It is called 5linkers because as a member, you have to click 5 links to various blogs to be able to gain points. These points go to your 5linkers profile. You start losing those points every time another 5linkers user visits your blog. To retain your points, you have to keep on clicking the 5 links assigned to you; hence, it's a win-win situation for all 5linkers users insofar as having constant blog traffic is concerned.

Aside from opening the 5 links, you may also rate the blogs or sites you visit (you can do this at the blog profiles found at 5linkers.com). Highest rating is 10. You may also leave a comment on the profile you visit. Another highlight of the site is its featured stories. A new blog entry can be submitted as a "story," hence, having the chance of being included on its popular list. The site rewards whoever clicks the most number of links through its Top 5linkers. The more links you click, the better chance for you to be seen by the other users. It also shows the 5 sites with the highest Web Rate Ranking and the new websites registered.

The downside of 5linkers?  You cannot choose the sites you would like to visit and read. For your visits to be counted as points to your profile, you have to do the 5links on your weblist which is shown in your control panel. In other words, 5linkers chooses the sites for you; hence, there’s a big chance that you’ll be reading the same set of blogs the whole time you’re using the site.

I submitted some of my Triond articles to this site and I noticed a dramatic increase in my traffic during the last two weeks. The site accepts only one entry from each Triond sub-site. Currently, these are the Triond sites listed at 5linkers on my profile — Webupon, Authspot, Bookstove, Writinghood, Trifter, Gomestic, Quazen, Picable, Socyberty, Purpleslinky, Cinemaroll, Newsflavor, Sportales, and Beyondjane.  Since I have not written any article for the other Triond sites, you may start submitting yours from  the sites not included on my list (assuming there are no other Triond writers at 5linkers.com).

Using 5linkers.com is like being in a no-strings-attached relationship: you click the link, stay there for 30 seconds, leave the site, and forget about it. You can do several 5links without really reading the entries in some of the blogs, especially those which are not regularly updated. 

Please remember that 5linkers is not for everyone. If you're using Google Adsense or Chitika on your blog, I wouldn't recommend this because your account might be banned from using these online advertising companies. However, if you're just starting with your blog and you want traffic to your site because you either want to collect those flags for your flag counter button or you just simply want to boost your traffic blog stat counter, this site is for you. 

1 comment:

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