Online Writing Idea # 2 -- Publish Recipes Online and Earn from Them

Yes, you may earn by writing recipes because they (recipes) have their own niche in the world wide web. There's this site hosted by Triond called Notecook that features all kinds of recipes. Triond's Mtrguanlao is my favorite when it comes to recipe-writing. I like her recipes because they are easy to prepare and the ingredients are available in any local market in the Philippines.

She has this passion for food experimenting. She coins her own terms and assigns unique names to her recipes that are grouped into four categories, namely: No-bake Cakes, Best for Merienda, Main Dish or Side Dish, and Beverages.

Buko Pandan Pie by mtrguanlao

No-bake Cake FOR ALL Occasions
No-bake Cookies and Cream Cake
Banana Cream Pie
Cashew Sansrival
Buko Pandan Pie


French Fries with White Chocolate and Raisins Dip
Almond Fruity Jelly
No-cook Pastillas-deleche
No-cook Pastillas-de-leche in Coffee Flavor
Tuna Spaghetti

Kaong and Nata-de-Coffee (Photo by Mtrguanlao)


Grilled Eggplant Salad
Shrimps and Broccoli with Oyster Sauce
Broccoli-con-carne with Oyster Sauce


Iced Mangolon Balls
Kaong and Nata-de-Coffee
Appleban Shake
Strawberry Lychee Shake
Orange Mango Delight
Mango Coconut Shake

Mtrguanlao claims that she originally had no plans of becoming an online writer or blogger and that she only wanted to share her own recipes to a much larger audience - the online community. Her articles evolved from the recipes to more complicated topics after she was encouraged by some Triond friends to write for the other sites hosted by Triond. She will be launching her own niche blog on recipes very soon.

Online writing need not be complicated. You may start your writing or blogging career by asking yourself the following questions: What can I offer to my readers? In what aspect/area do I work best? I hope that just like Mtrguanlao you will find your own niche. Remember, ideas can be found anywhere - even in the kitchen.

Update: Mtrguanlao also writes in her blog called My Food, Your Food, Our Food.


  1. Sis thanks for this,don't know what to say,lol! Just happy for featuring me and my recipes,thanks again! :)

  2. Parang kilala ko ang writer na yan hehehe :-)

    I wish I know how to cook para credible pag gumawa ko ng food blog. Foodie blogs never fail to entice readers, lalo when there are nice pictures. Everybody loves food!

  3. Ms. Aileen,

    Kilala mo nga. :-) You're right about food blogs being successful. MTR's blog is doing very well despite that she started much later than the rest of us.
